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bulbThe Rey Juan Carlos University has among its priority objectives, in addition to academic leadership and research excellence, a commitment to sustainability and the social development of its environment through institutional collaboration. One of the structures developed at the URJC to face these challenges, in collaboration with other organizations, is the Campus of International Excellence (CEI) “Intelligent Energy”, recognized by the Ministry of Education.

The CEI of the URJC includes among its strategic pillars, in addition to the international academic and research programs in the field of "intelligent energy", an ambitious program of action in energy efficiency of great scope and international dimension, which it shares with the remaining pillars are training and technological development aspects, and which is mainly focused on specific actions to improve the energy efficiency of facilities and processes, including those related to campus facilities and infrastructures and the control of energy consumption.

With this same vision, the URJC has been carrying out, on a different scale, a fundamental activity in Energy Management at the Móstoles Campus, through an Energy Efficiency Commission, whose main objective has been to reduce the significant energy consumption of the campus ( headquarters of high-consumption installations), increasing the efficiency of energy use and the consequent reduction in energy costs. Among the functions carried out by this Committee, it is worth mentioning the monitoring of energy consumption, carrying out energy audits and audits of the management system, and proposing actions to improve the use of energy, including aspects of energy efficiency in construction and modification of facilities on the Móstoles campus.

As a result of these activities, the URJC received official recognition from AENOR in July 2014, by granting the "Certificate of the Energy Efficiency System" to the Móstoles Campus according to the UNE-EN-ISO 50.001 standard. This important milestone, more typical of companies and industrial sectors, is more prominent as it is a public institution of higher education.

In addition, it is part of the general objective to extend this type of action to other university campuses, making them also beneficiaries of the achievements made. Thus, efforts in energy efficiency will result in a short-medium term reduction in energy costs and a reduction in the carbon footprint on all university campuses, which will have a direct influence in the short and medium term in attracting investment from companies in the energy sector.

URJC energy policy

Internal and external relations of UNEFE
