• Alumni
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Virtual alumni card

With your virtual Alumni card you can receive job offers, newsletters about activities, training courses, and obtain benefits and special discounts on services and studies at the URJC.

Requirements to acquire the virtual Alumni card

  • Having obtained the degree official Degree, Master's, Doctorate or Own Degrees / Own Teachings of the URJC.

Application for the virtual Alumni card

To apply for the virtual Alumni card, all you have to do is send an email to  requesting to register as a Graduate. The message must include:

  • Full Name.
  • TIN.
  • Degree
  • Unique domain user, if known.
  • As an attachment, a passport photo with a white, smooth and uniform background. The image must be in JPEG format, and have an aspect ratio of 20x24mm. If you include a file with other characteristics, the application will adapt the image to these requirements, being able to deform it.
  • Updated mailing address.

alumni card

Once your request has been received, the Graduate Office will notify you of the issuance of a receipt for the fee for issuing the card (€6,11), which you can find on your Services Portal, which you can access with your username and password. single domain. You will need to print the receipt and make the payment. Once payment of the receipt has been verified, a communication will be sent indicating that your application has been accepted, that you have been registered as a graduate student and that the virtual Alumni card has been processed.

Once the receipt payment has been verified, your virtual alumni card will be activated in the URJC APP and if you want to modify or add another photograph, you must manage it at https://gestion2.urjc.es/fotourjc

Benefits of the virtual Alumni card

  • Access to Careers.
  • Reception of institutional information and participation in the projects developed by the Alumni Office.
  • Access to Academic and Labor Orientation Service for Graduates of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
  • Access to the Computer Rooms.
  • Access to the Library service, study and reading rooms.
  • Access and use of sports facilities.
  • Right to be part of the internal competitions of the University and equal access to its sports facilities.
  • Participation in cultural activities.
  • Discounts on training courses at the Center for Applied Social Studies CAUSE
  • Bookstore discounts.
  • discounts on the University Clinic.
  • discount on courses TD Consulting.
  • Discounts on courses at the University Center for Languages ​​(CUI), maintaining your student conditions. IN