Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering and Master in Industrial Engineering 2020-21
Industrial Research Engineer in the Laboratory for the Development of Sensory Navigation Systems and Monitoring Systems. (SENiaLab) and in the Smart-E2 Chair (Electronic Technology Area; Department of Applied Mathematics, Science and Engineering of Materials and Electronic Technology.)
His studies have allowed him to be in contact with multiple disciplines within engineering such as electronics, mechanics, materials or energies. Already in the 2nd year, she participated in the contest on electronic projects organized by the NetajiSubhas University of Technology (Delhi) in India. She won the first prize with the design and development of a "Domotics Residence for the elderly". From that moment on, the University saw in it an opportunity to develop myself in the field of electronics and robotics.
With the Final Degree Project, he obtained an honors degree with the project entitled "Autonomous navigation system in real and simulated environments for emergency situations", where he collaborated not only with the SENiaLab and LABTEL departments of the university, but also, Thanks to Fundación MAPFRE, the Professional Association of Technicians and Firefighters of Alcorcón and the Alcorcón Firefighters Headquarters, he was able to learn and develop in all areas of Engineering.
With this project, he found a way to safeguard the safety of the intervention teams by bringing technology and robotics closer to them, since they act in hostile situations and with low visibility, risking their lives to save people. He designed an autonomous agent capable of detecting fire, measuring environmental parameters in real time to identify dangerous areas and evacuate victims. He also created a simulation that replicated the robot and the surrounding conditions to reduce intervention times.
As a result, he published a scientific article in the journal "Emergencias 112" No. 39 of the APTB, another scientific article in the journal "Journal of Field Robotics" and the Official College of Graduates and Industrial Technical Engineers of Madrid (COGITIM) awarded me the second prize of excellence for Final Degree Projects.
"My time at university has taught me to think big and expand my mind, betting on the development of projects that help society and improve its quality of life"