Degree in Business Administration and Management, Vicálvaro 2005. - Director of Planning and Financial Analysis, Banco Cetelem Spain. Diana currently holds the position of Director of Planning and Financial Analysis within the Finance Department at Banco Cetelem…
Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, Fuenlabrada 2005. - Head of Strategy & Operations Spain, at DIGILANT. Álvaro holds the position of Head of Strategy and Operations Spain at Digilant, which makes him the head of both…
Graduated in Law, Madrid-Vicálvaro 2005. - Managing Partner of AOL CONSULTORES LEGALES. In 2011 our colleague Javier Alberti founded, with two other partners, the law firm AOL CONSULTORES LEGALES. There are currently eight members in the team and…
Degree in Marketing, Madrid-Vicálvaro 2015. - Project Manager at Grupo Barceló (B the travel brand). Responsible for the areas of marketing, strategy and digital development. Héctor works at B the travel brand (Grupo Barceló), leading digital transformation projects, strategies…
Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, Fuenlabrada 2010. - Responsible for Communication at Volvo Trucks, belonging to VOLVO GROUP. Pilar is in charge of managing the external communication of the brand with the media, in a sector as...
Degree in Business Administration and Management, Vicálvaro 2013. Extraordinary End of Degree Award. - Supervising Senior Consultant at KPMG. Despite her youth, Marta occupies the category of Supervising Senior Consultant in strategic and business consulting in…
Graduated in Journalism, Fuenlabrada, 2016. - Journalist at Agencia EFE. As soon as he obtained the Journalism Degree, our young colleague was one of the seven selected, among eighty-three candidates from ten Madrid universities, by the jury...
Graduated in Technical Engineering in Computer Management, Móstoles 2010. Master's Degree in Interactive Computing and Multimedia, 2011. Master's Degree in Information Systems Engineering, 2012. - Doctorate in Interactive Computing and Multimedia at URJC. - Researcher in training…