• International Doctoral School
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Continuing Education

Check out our continuing education offer for 2024/2025

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Types of continuing education


The Master's studies will be the highest level postgraduate teachings within the offer of this type of teaching. Its objective will be for the student to acquire advanced training of a specialized or multidisciplinary nature and, where appropriate, professional.

In no case will they give access to official doctoral studies.

  • They will have a minimum duration of 60 ECTS credits and maximum of 120 ECTS creditsand must be completed for at least one academic year.
  • All Own Master's degrees will include a mandatory Final Master's Project (TFM) in their study plan and of at least 6 ECTS credits.
  • Passing the Master's studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the Own Master's Degree in "...." by the URJC.


The teachings leading to the Diploma of Specialization will have a duration between 30 and 59 ECTS credits. To obtain the title it will not be necessary to carry out and defend a final project. Passing these studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the Specialization Diploma in “…” by the URJC and will be included in the centralized Registry of this type of degree.


The teachings leading to the title of University Expert will have a duration between 15 and 29 ECTS credits. To obtain the title it will not be necessary to carry out and defend a final project. Passing these studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the corresponding Title of University Expert in "...." by the URJC.


University Extension Courses

The objective of the university extension courses will be for the students who take them to expand, perfect and update their knowledge, with the ultimate goal of being able to respond in an agile way to the demands of society in general, and to the professional development of people. that demand these courses in particular. Access to these studies does not require possession of a previous university degree. Depending on their course load, two types of university extension courses will be distinguished:

  • University Extension Diploma in “...” by the URJC: Courses with a course load equal to or greater than 30 ECTS credits. To obtain the degree, it is necessary to pass the corresponding evaluation tests.
  • Certificate of University Extension in "..." by the URJC: Courses with course load of less than 30 ECTS credits. To obtain the degree, it is necessary to pass the corresponding evaluation tests. In the case of not contemplating evaluable subjects/modules, an attendance certificate will be obtained and they cannot be part of programs with a modular structure.


These courses allow for the certification of learning results linked to short-term training activities. Their duration must, in any case, be less than 15 ECTS credits. Successful completion of these courses through the corresponding assessment tests will entitle the student, where appropriate, to obtain a Certificate with the name of the respective course and will be included in the centralised Register of this type of qualification.


Application for pre-registration for continuing education

Instructions for requesting access to continuing education


Phone: 91 665 5060

Student Help Box

Pre-registration Invoice Request Form

In the case of requesting BILLYou must send the completed attached form to the following address .

Once requested the BILL receipt of payment cannot be used. Once the invoice is received, payment will be made only by bank transfer to the account detailed therein. In the transfer, the invoice number must be indicated in the concept of the transfer. If the amount is paid through the receipt, the invoice will be cancelled.

In case of having already made the pre-registration payment, only a certificate of admission can be issued, in no case an invoice.

Invoice request form


Self-enrollment instructions for continuing education

Application for continuing education enrolment

Payment procedure

Registration Invoice Issuance Request Form

In the case of requesting BILLYou must send the completed attached form to the following address .

Once requested the BILL receipt of payment cannot be used. Once the invoice is received, payment will be made only by bank transfer to the account detailed therein. In the transfer, the invoice number must be indicated in the concept of the transfer. If the amount is paid through the receipt, the invoice will be cancelled.

IMPORTANT!!: In the registration you must select the FORM OF PAYMENT 3 – INVOICE.

Once the invoice has been requested, the receipt cannot be used to make the payment. In case of having already made the registration payment, only a certificate of admission can be issued, in no case an invoice.

Invoice request form