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University extension course avant-garde cuisine and gastronomic direction

Continuing Education
Phone: 91 665 5060
Academic Codirection:  Dr. Diana Catalina Pérez-Bustamante Yábar

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Basic Information


Throughout this training program, techniques conducive to the development of the innovative and avant-garde spirit of the gastronomy professional will be studied.  

Students will expand knowledge related to work and comprehensive management in the kitchen, which will allow them to maintain control in food hygiene and quality, as well as in personnel and warehouse management, planning and production, and cost control.

It is essential for the professional to acquire skills and abilities at the highest level, which lead to the optimization of sustainable, economic and management resources.  

To understand contemporary cuisine, it is necessary to study contemporary culinary techniques, precise methodology and products of high gastronomic value and their properties and applications.  

Only in this way is a creative process achieved that allows the design of a current, original gastronomic offer prepared to adapt to the natural evolution in the culinary field and achieve excellence at the highest level.


  • Acquire knowledge related to food safety and hygiene.
  • Manage the logistics of a gastronomic business: place orders, work with suppliers, warehouses and inventories. 
  • Plan and produce effectively.
  • Manage work personnel.
  • Know and apply cutting-edge techniques in the culinary field.
  • Know and apply the technological ingredient in restoration.
  • Acquire knowledge about products and machinery available to the sector.
  • Acquire skills in avant-garde methodology, as a means of developing and updating contemporary techniques. 
  • Acquire knowledge for the design and preparation of dishes with products of high gastronomic value.
  • Acquire knowledge to design and prepare dishes with seasonal products.
  • Develop creative and R&D&i processes in gastronomy.



  • Students will plan gastronomic production efficiently.
  • Students will acquire knowledge about technological ingredients and their correct application.
  • Students will learn concepts about hygiene and food quality.
  • The student body will be competent to direct and manage the workforce.


  • Students will be able to apply cutting-edge techniques: dehydration, smoking, salting.
  • Students will be able to apply traditional cooking techniques in contemporary cuisine.
  • Students will be able to apply fermentation and vacuum cooking techniques
  • Students will be able to control the costs of the gastronomic business and manage its logistics.
  • The students will acquire skills in using machinery and new machinery and creating molds in restoration.
  • The student will know the products of the highest value in gastronomy and will be able to, together with the available techniques, design and prepare a gastronomic offer of the highest level.
  • The students will be able to develop creative and R&D&I processes in the gastronomic sector.


Module 1: Management of new gastronomic offers (8 ECTS) 

  • Topic 1. Hygiene and food quality.  
  • Topic 2. Management of orders, suppliers, warehouse and inventories.
  • Topic 3. Management, entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Topic 4. People management in the restaurant.  
  • Topic 5. Sensory analysis. balance and curve of the menu.
  • Topic 6. Biochemistry of foods.
  • Topic 7. Room, service and avant-garde.
  • Topic 8. Digitalization and communication in the restaurant.

Module 2: Contemporary culinary technique and technological ingredient (7 ECTS) 

  • Topic 1. Dehydration techniques.
  • Topic 2. Smoking and salting technique in the restaurant.
  • Topic 3. Traditional cooking techniques and their application in contemporary cuisine.
  • Topic 4. Fermentations and applications in restoration.
  • Topic 5. Vacuum cooking, temperature control and fifth ranges.
  • Topic 6. Application of gases and dry ice in cooking.
  • Topic 7. Technological ingredient (emulsifiers, texturizers, gelling agents, emulsifiers, aerating thickeners...)
  • Topic 8. Other products: Cocoa butter, Obulate, Inulin, Kuzu, Maltodextrin, Methylcellulose, Mannitol, Freeze-dried products, Kaolin, and Albumin.
  • Topic 9. Machinery, new machinery for restoration and uses.
  • Topic 10. Creation of molds for restoration.
  • Topic 11. Application of technological ingredient in pastry and sweet world.

Module 3: Product of high gastronomic value (7 ECTS) 

  • Topic 1. The orchard of Aranjuez.
  • Topic 2. Seeds, aromatics, spices and cereals.
  • Topic 3. Marine vegetables: algae and halophiles.
  • Topic 4. Fungi: mushrooms and truffles.
  • Topic 5. Meat.
  • Topic 6. Fish and shellfish.

Module 4: Creativity and new trends in cooking (3 ECTS) 

  • Topic 1. Food Styling.  
  • Topic 2. Creative processes in the restaurant and R&D&I.
  • Topic 3. Recipe book design with products of high gastronomic value.
  • Topic 4. Haute cuisine with economical and seasonal products.



access requirements

Applicants for admission to the title will meet at least one of the following profiles: 

ENTREPRENEURS AND FUTURE OWNERS OF GASTRONOMIC BUSINESSES who want to develop their projects in a solvent manner and seek training according to their needs. A training that provides them with the necessary knowledge to carry out their business with the safety and quality that they propose. 

PROFESSIONALS FROM THE GASTRONOMIC SECTOR with training and experience, who want to update their training or specialize in a specific area of ​​knowledge.

PROFESSIONALS FROM THE GASTRONOMIC SECTOR without prior training, who want to support their work experience with a degree or update their knowledge to improve their professional profile. 

PROFESSIONALS FROM OTHER SECTORS who want to update themselves and apply their profile to the gastronomic sector. 

DIRECTORS, MANAGERS, ADMINISTRATORS of gastronomic businesses who need to update their skills. 

STUDENTS AND RECENT GRADUATES, both in Vocational Training, Degrees and Postgraduates, in Gastronomy or any branch of study, who want to develop their profession in gastronomy and who, to do so, want to continue their studies or complement them with specific training. 

The ability to work autonomously and safely will be an access requirement. In case of doubt, a report may be requested from the URJC disability unit on possible adaptations. 

No university degree is necessary. 

Selection criteria

In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, a selection will be made based on the following criteria: 

  • 40% CV. Experience in hospitality and the food sector.
  • 40% FP in Kitchen Management or equivalent accreditation.
  • 20% University degree related to the food industry, gastronomy or food.

No university degree is necessary. 

Number of Places: 24 (minimum 13)

Academic Management and Faculty

Academic direction

Dr. Diana Catalina Pérez-Bustamante Yábar. Hired professor/doctor

Doctor in Business (2017) and in Humanities (2008). She is a researcher and teacher in URJC marketing. She teaches in different master's degrees, business schools or training programs for multinationals in the fashion, design and gastronomy sectors. Multiple academic publications, books and popular articles. Research work and management of gastronomic companies.


Dr. Diana Catalina Pérez-Bustamante Yábar. Hired professor/doctor

Doctor in Business (2017) and in Humanities (2008). She is a researcher and teacher in URJC marketing. She teaches in different master's degrees, business schools or training programs for multinationals in the fashion, design and gastronomy sectors. Multiple academic publications, books and popular articles. Research work and management of gastronomic companies.

Dr. Antonio González Ruiz. Visiting Professor. Doctor in Cc. Of the health. Professor of subjects in the Area of ​​Pharmacology, Nutrition and Bromatology at the URJC. Researcher in the field of pharmacology of the cardiovascular system. Member of the Associated R+D+i Unit of the Institute of Medicinal Chemistry of the CSIC and of the Associated R+D+i Unit. to the Food Research Institute (CIAL) of the CSIC at the URJC. Scientific dissemination activities.

Dr. Natalia Casado Navas. Hired professor/doctor. Doctor in Business Organization. Professor in the Department of Business Economics (ADO) and Director of the Master in Social and Corporate Welfare Management. Faculty of the Master in Business Organization, Master in CSR and Sustainability, Master in teacher training for Secondary, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Languages. first Innovative Professors Award 2022 URJC. Four years nominated as Best Professor at the University of Spain (ABANCA Award) and one year for the Global Teacher Prize. Research in Strategic Management and Human Resources. Dissemination and publication of articles in international conferences and scientific journals.

Dr. María García de Blanes Sebastiá. URJC teacher and researcher. Doctorate in Social and Legal Sciences (Development of Technological Acceptance models). Master's Degree in Digital Marketing. Master in Marketing and Commercial Management.

Dr. Ernesto José Taborda Hernández. Assistant professor doctor. Doctor in Audiovisual Communication. Director, screenwriter and professional chef.

Dr. Irene Campos García. Hired professor/doctor. Doctor in Business Organization. Professor in the Department of Business Economics (ADO) and Director of the Master in Social and Corporate Welfare Management. Faculty of the Master in Business Organization, Master in CSR and Sustainability, Master in teacher training for Secondary, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Languages. first Innovative Professors Award 2022 URJC. Four years nominated as Best Professor at the University of Spain (ABANCA Award) and one year for the Global Teacher Prize. Research in Strategic Management and Human Resources. Dissemination and publication of articles in international conferences and scientific journals.

Fernando del Cerro Esteban. Chef and co-owner of the Casa José Restaurant – Aranjuez -. Specialist in plant product treatment. Teaching experience, speaker at sector reference fairs and collaborator in cooking programs.

Blanca Mayandia Briones. Felipe II Foundation Executive Coordinator. Cook and gourmet. Higher Technician in Kitchen and Kitchen Management. Teaching experience in Degree in Gastronomy UCH-CEU: English and Spanish lines. Director of UCH-CEU Gastronomy postgraduate degrees. Graduated in Criminology, Criminalistics and CC. Of Security.

Maria Morales Martinez. Professional sommelier and chef, specializing in cutting-edge culinary techniques. Graduated in Tourism. Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.

Alfonso Escolar. Master in Food and Beverage and Business Management. Higher Technician in Hospitality and Tourism. Executive chef. Young Promise Award and 3 Signature Cuisine Awards. Member of the Spanish Cuisine Selection by the CM Gastronomic advisor of Plataforma Arnia. Personal chef.

Celia Sánchez-Pacheco de Vega. Master in Training for Secondary and Baccalaureate Teachers. Graduate in Food Science and Technology. 

Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Middle Grade Teacher of Bakery, Pastry and Confectionery (FP) and Middle Grade Pharmacy Assistant. 

Monica Garcia Lozano. Master's Degree in Pedagogical and Didactic Training for FP Higher Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition. Higher Degree in Kitchen Management. Developer of educational content and tutor of hospitality and nutrition courses. 

Noemí González Serrano. Pastry chef. Teacher and speaker in the pastry sector. Collaborator in obtaining Michelin stars. Member of various popular gastronomic juries. 2nd Community of Madrid Pastry Prize. High Restoration Cacao Barry seminar assistant.

Fernando Alcazar Belmonte. Agricultural Technical Engineer. Specialty in agricultural operations. President of the Aranjuez Orchard Producers Association. Fruit and vegetable farmer. Km0 supplier for restaurants and individuals. Direct sale on the farm. Teaching experience.

Esther Garcia Garcia. Restoration and communication professional. SEPE teacher. Creator of gastronomic content. Master in Nutrition and Dietetics. Graduate in Advertising and PR. CHAP. Higher Cycle in Restoration.

Duration and development

Modality: Digital games  

Number of credits: 30

Contact hours: 300

Place of delivery: Theoretical classroom and kitchen classroom URJC Aranjuez Campus. Governor Building.  

Opening hours: from Monday to Wednesday in the afternoons.

(In September 2024, sessions will be held from Monday to Thursday mornings).

Start and end date: coming soon.

Reservation of place and enrollment

Pre-registration period COMING SOON

Registration period COMING SOON

Title price: €2.385,00

Possibility of scholarship (if applicable)

The total number of scholarships for this degree is two, from among the enrolled students who meet the conditions and meet the requirements to be beneficiaries.

Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery

the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.

At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid

The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.

Required documentation:

Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:

  • National Identity Document or equivalent
  • University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:

  • Passport or Residence Card
  • Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
  • Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.

All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.