Professor Javier Ramos is a professor of Signal Theory and Communications and has directed the URJC Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering from 2005 to 2017.
He carried out his university studies between 1984 and 1990 at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and completed his training with a doctorate in collaboration with the North American University of Purdue. She also did postdoctoral fellowships in Minnesota and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Shortly after he was decorated with the Ericsson prize for the best doctoral thesis, awarded by the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers.
His field of research has been signal and information processing and its application to wireless communications. In 2013 he expanded his field of study with analysis of information processing in health problems (Big Data & eHealth).
Before joining the Rey Juan Carlos University, in 1999 he was a full professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Starting in 2003, he began his career at the URJC and eight years later he obtained the University Chair.
In addition, he has four six-year research periods and four five-year teaching periods. She has taught undergraduate and graduate classes in Telecommunications, Computer Science, Biomedical and Aerospace Engineering. He also stands out for maintaining close relationships with national and international companies in the field of engineering.
He has written nearly a hundred articles in international journals and conferences, and several book chapters. At the same time he has directed 6 doctoral theses and more than 40 research projects (national and international).
He currently represents the highest academic authority at URJC, serving as Rector. He performs the functions of direction, government and management of the University. With the exception of the Social Council, he chairs the university faculty and the rest of the collegiate bodies.
The Rector is the highest academic authority of the University, holds his representation, exercises the direction, government and management of the University, presides over the university faculty and, with the exception of the Social Council, the other collegiate bodies of the University whose presidency corresponds to him in accordance with these Statutes. He is the one in charge of executing their agreements. Article 76. Statutes of the University
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