University Professor in the area of knowledge of Journalism in the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication. She has a doctorate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (1997). She has taught at the Complutense University (1996-1997) and at the University of Salamanca (1997-2003). She has held different management positions at the Rey Juan Carlos University: ERASMUS coordinator, director of the Department of Communication Sciences II and coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Social and Legal Sciences. She has recognized four CNEAI research six-year terms, five teaching five-year terms and three positive evaluations of the DOCENTIA program.
His main line of research focuses on the study of professional cultures in journalism. He belongs to the Group for Advanced Communication Studies (GEAC), a high-performance group at the Rey Juan Carlos University, and is a member of the scientific associations International Communication Association (ICA), International Association for Mass Communication Research (IAMCR) and Asociación Española de Communication Researchers (AEIC). She is currently part of the Executive Committee of the project Journalistic Role Performance and leads the Spanish team within it.
Competencies of the Vice President
The Vice President for International Relations coordinates and supervises, under the direction of the Rector, the following matters:
- Establish, sign, execute and monitor agreements on international relations.
- Manage the participation of the Rey Juan Carlos University in the EULiST alliance of Universities.
- Coordination and monitoring of international institutional activities and promoting the image of the University abroad.
- Manage reception programs for foreign students.
- Manage mobility programs for students, teachers and administration and service staff.
- Control quality and continuous improvement in service provision and management of the International Office.
- Design and manage the linguistic policy of the Rey Juan Carlos University through the University Language Center (CUI).
- The resolution of administrative appeals in matters within its jurisdiction.
- How many other powers attributed to the Rector are delegated in the functional scope of his competence.
María Ángeles Cano Linares. Deputy Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Linguistic Promotion