Information and General Registration
Information and General Registration
Responsible: Jose Antonio Lobato Moreno
Address: Expansion of the Rectorate Building. Tulipan street s/n. CP 28933 Mostoles, Madrid
Fax: 91 614 71 20 E-mail:
DIR3 identification code: U05600001 - King Juan Carlos University.
Regular hours: Monday to Thursday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and 15:30 p.m. to 17.30:9 p.m. Friday: from 00:14 a.m. to 00:XNUMX p.m.
Alcorcón Campus Registration: Avenue of Athens s/n. Management Building. CP 28922 Alcorcon, Madrid
Fax: (+91) 488 8904 XNUMX
Regular hours: Monday and Tuesday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and 15:30 p.m. to 17.30:9.00 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: from 14.00:15 a.m. to 30:17.00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 14:00 p.m. Friday: from XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
Summer schedule: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. from June 3 to August 30.
Aranjuez Campus Registration: San Carlos Hospital Building C/ Capitán Angosto Gómez Castrillón, 91
Regular hours: Monday to Thursday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and 15:30 p.m. to 17.00:9 p.m. Friday: from 00:14 a.m. to 00:XNUMX p.m.
Fuenlabrada Campus Registration: Path of the Mill s/n. Management Building. CP 28943 Fuenlabrada, Madrid
Regular hours: Monday to Thursday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and 15:30 p.m. to 17.00:9 p.m. Friday: from 00:14 a.m. to 00:XNUMX p.m.
Registration of the Madrid Campus - Vicálvaro: Walk of the Artillerymen, s/n. Management Building. CP 28032, Madrid.
Fax: (+91) 488 7846 XNUMX
Regular hours: Monday to Thursday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and 15:30 p.m. to 17.30:9 p.m. Friday: from 00:14 a.m. to 00:XNUMX p.m.
Registration of the Madrid Campus - Quintana: Quintana Street, 21. CP 28008, Madrid.
Regular hours: Monday to Friday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. - Monday and Wednesday from 15:30 p.m. to 17.30:XNUMX p.m.
The registration assistance office at the Madrid-Quintana headquarters will be closed on February 14 in the afternoon.
During this period, any interested party can present documentation in any of the ways provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. DIR3 identification code: U05600001 - Rey Juan Carlos University.
Expose-request (Printed to attach documentation in the Registry)
- Reception of requests, writings and communications presented in the Electronic Registry and digitization of those presented in paper format, for their remission to the recipient persons, bodies or units.
- Electronic submission of documentation to other public administrations and entities of the institutional public sector that are integrated into the System of Interconnection of Registries (SIR).
Administrative organization
The Academic Area coordinates the administrative activity of the decentralized academic management units located on the campuses and headquarters, in collaboration with the campus management and the headquarters administrations.
Area Address
Vice Manager: Maria Rosario Hernandez Vedia
Address: Rectorate Building Office 312. Calle Tulipán s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
The following services and subunits are part of this area:
Academic Management Service for Master's Students
Responsible: Inmaculada Ruíz Salcedo
Address: Rectorate – Madrid Delegation, C/ Quintana, 2 - 3ª planta, 28008 Madrid
Phone: 91 665 5060. Route 1.3.1 Student Help Box
- Admission and enrollment processes.
- Processing of requests to remain in studies, modification and cancellation of registration, etc.
- Issuance of academic certifications, official titles and other certificates.
- Procedures related to the Affiliated Centers that teach university master's degrees.
- Student attention.
Academic Management Service for Undergraduate Students
Responsible: Maria Victoria Vilches Cabrejas
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone number: 91 665 5060 / Inquiry mailbox
- Admission of students through the Unique District of Madrid Inquiry mailbox
- Admission for Partial Validation of Foreign Studies
- Complementary training requirements.
- Admission by file transfer Inquiry mailbox
- Enrollment process. Inquiry mailbox
- Refund of public prices. Inquiry mailbox
- Recognition of Credits. Inquiry mailbox
- Academic waiver. Inquiry mailbox
- Management of Academic Records.
Teaching Quality Service
Responsible: Sarah Navas Perez
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 8577 E-mail:
- Processes for verification, modification, monitoring and renewal of the accreditation of official qualifications.
- Support for the development and implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGC) of the Titles. SISCAL Program.
- General information collection plan: Surveys and Indicators.
- Management and support of quality seals for official degrees.
- Teacher Guides.
- Docentia teaching evaluation program.
- Institutional Accreditation.
- Management of the Suggestions and Complaints Box.
- Training and dissemination of quality culture.
Economic Management Service of the Academic Area
Responsible: Aurora Martinez Sanchez
Address: Rectorate – Madrid Delegation, C/ Quintana, 2 - 3ª planta, 28008 Madrid
Estudiantes: 91 665 5060 Student Help Box
Faculty: 91 488 4633
- Coordination, as financial support for the university, of the economic affairs of the Academic Area
- Economic and Financial Management of Master's Degree Students: payments, exemptions, aid, billing and processing of non-payments and collections
- Preparation and management of postgraduate budgets
- Administration of economic and financial aspects related to teaching and other postgraduate teaching activities.
- Assistance in the creation and supervision of the Teaching Planning Plan (POD) for Master's degree programs.
- Administration of resources and teaching load for university master's degrees.
- Supervision and processing of registrations and appointments of external teaching staff for postgraduate programs.
- Appointments to management positions and academic certifications for teaching Master's Degree studies
Doctorate Service
Address: Rectorship – Madrid Delegation. C/ Quintana, 2 – 2rd floor, 28008 Madrid
The support service for the International Doctoral School of the Rey Juan Carlos University is a unit that provides administrative support to the International Doctoral School: organization and administrative management of the academic processes of the doctoral programs.
- Coordination in the management of the offer of doctoral programs.
- Supervision and monitoring of the pre-registration and enrollment process and management of academic records of doctoral students.
- Management of doctoral theses.
- Management of the quality assurance system of doctoral programs.
Academic Organization Service
Responsible: Star Grill Sanz
Address: Rectorate 3rd floor, 28933 Móstoles
Phone: - E-mail:
- Preparation and publication of the teaching management plan
- Allocation of spaces for teaching and exams
- Preparation and publication of the official dates of degree exams
- Management of the class attendance platform, control and monitoring of teacher class attendance
Transversal Subjects Service
Responsible: Star Grill Sanz
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
- Management of the Final Degree Project subject
- Management of the subject of Academic Recognition of Credits.
- Management of the Modern Language subject
Final Degree Project
Contact for Guardians: Phone: (+34) 91 488 7158 / 91 665 50 68
Student Contact: Phone: 91 665 5060; Route 1.2.4
Academic Recognition of Credits
Contact for teachers: Phone: (+34) 91 664 7409
Student Contact: Phone: 91 665 5060; Route 1.2.5
Modern Language (Administrative Management)
Student Contact: Phone: 91 665 5060; Route 1.2.6
Contact for PAS/PDI:
Modern Language Website:
Continuing Training Service
Responsible: Beatriz Martin Barrio
Address: Rectorate - 3rd floor, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 91 665 5060. Route 1.3.3 Student Help Box
- Reception, review, processing of new continuing training proposals for approval by the Governing Council, implementation and updating of the offer
- Reception, review and processing of all collaboration agreements with the different entities for the development of continuing training degrees.
- Reception, review and processing of all educational cooperation agreements and annexes for the processing of student internships in their own teachings with the different entities.
- Secretariat (Pre-registration, registration, minutes, issuance of diplomas, etc.) and attention to Continuing Training students
- Review, execution and control of the budgets of each of the Continuing Training degrees
- Management related to the Affiliated Centers.
External Internship Unit
Responsible: Maria Paz Matesanz Fernandez
Address: Rectorship – Madrid Delegation. C/ Quintana, 2 – 3rd floor, 28008 Madrid
Contact Students: 91 665 5060. Route 1.2.3 Inquiries Mailbox: Grade - Master
Contact Entities: 91 665 5060. Route 1.2.3
Employment Exchange for Graduates: 91 488 9371
- Management of the subject of External Internships (curricular external internships)
- Administrative management of extracurricular external internships.
- Administrative management of the Employment Exchange for recent graduates.
- Organization of presentations and Work Days with companies to present their internship and employment programs.
- Coordination of registration in Social Security of students who carry out unpaid training internships.
Computer Coordination of the Academic Area
Responsible: santiago rodriguez
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: - E-mail:
- Support in the development of their functions to the rest of the members of the academic area
- Resolution of incidents related to computer management of the academic area
- Consulting for the improvement of processes in the services and units of the academic area
The Economic-Financial Area coordinates the administrative activity of the economic management and inventory units of the campuses and headquarters, in collaboration with the campus management and the headquarters administrations.
Responsible: Pedro Valero Raised
Address: Extension Building of the Rectorate. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 7108 E-mail:
Head of Contracting Area: José Manuel de León Ceano-Vivas
Phone: 91 488 7386
The following services and subunits are part of this area:
Recruitment Service
Eco-responsible: Andres Avelino Arce Santiago
This Service is responsible for:
- Management of the University's contracting files, from the compilation and preparation of preparatory documentation to the awarding and signing of the contract.
- Processing modifications, extensions, contractual resolutions, return of deposits and any other vicissitudes related to a contract.
- Support and assistance to the University Hiring Board.
- Processing of payments derived from contracting files.
- Participation in accountability and audits related to hiring at the University.
The Inventory and Assets Unit
Eco-responsible: Jesús María Navalpotro
The Heritage and Inventory unit manages the updated list of the General Inventory of the movable and immovable property used by the University, as property or other rights in rem or use. It acts in coordination with other services in the economic area and collaborates with the maintenance of the tools for reserving spaces. It also provides information about the URJC's heritage and facilitates the management and organization of unique assets, such as artistic works and materials from the university's museums and collections.
It includes services that manage research, innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship, as well as their dissemination and communication.
Vice Manager: Sonsoles Manotas Head
Address: Rectory building. Calle Tulipán s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Telephone: 19992.
E-mail: -
- Head of Research Promotion and Management
- Head of Research Structures.
The following services and subunits are part of this vice-management:
Research Service
Responsible: Francisco Martin Sanchez
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 7381 E-mail:
Reporting to the Vice-Rector's Office for Research, Innovation and Transfer and taking into account its powers and guidelines, among other tasks and functions, the following are carried out:
- Dissemination, promotion, coordination and management of funding opportunities for the various competitive research support programs with state, regional, local funding and funding from foundations or other public/private entities.
- Support and advice to researchers on the procedures for managing research projects, including information on the use of the platforms available to them. Resolution of doubts, incidents and queries.
- Monitoring and justification of research expenses.
- Promotion, coordination, management and execution of the actions to be developed of the Own Program for the promotion and development of research and innovation at the Rey Juan Carlos University, through the calls published for this purpose.
- Management of recognized research groups at the Rey Juan Carlos University
- General Information
- Information related to the justification of the projects;
- Information related to the certification of participation in research projects or groups:
- General information related to the calls of the Own Program for the promotion and development of research:
Name |
Phone number |
Email address |
Luis Pablo Noriega Ortega |
91 488 73 16 |
Ignacio Garcia Zabala |
91 488 46 02 |
Elena Parraga Mejias |
91 488 70 50 |
Maria Angeles Rabistyn |
91 488 84 96 |
Victoria Martinez Vallarin |
91 488 82 73 |
Mercedes Mendo Sanchez |
91 488 88 20 |
Francisco Javier Aviles Barandiaran |
91 488 88 19 |
Antonio Oterino Matarraz |
91 488 74 81 |
Emilia Guerrero Menendez |
Maria Isabel Garcia Hernandez |
Begoña Pontes Rodriguez |
91 488 75 57 |
Office of European Projects OPE
Responsible: Rosa Maria Mesa Velez
Address: Rectorate Building and Assembly Hall. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles (MADRID)
Research Economic Management Service
Responsible: Javier Martínez Sánchez
Address: Rectorate Building, Second Floor, Office 209. Calle Tulipán s/n. 28933 Mostoles Madrid
Carries out the economic-administrative management of expenses charged to all its own programs and research projects. The Service is divided into four sections:
Fixed cash, service commissions and investigator cards. ()
- Process all non-inventory expenses less than €1.500 with VAT.
- Settle advances and service commissions.
- Manage all expenses processed with researcher cards.
- Process the expenses of research projects through different procedures, up to a maximum of €50.000
- Minor contracts, expenses greater than €1.500 (VAT included)
- Credit reserves, publication and registration expenses.
- Dynamic procurement systems (SDA) and Framework Agreements (AM), purchases made from suppliers who have previously joined the agreement.
- Awarded supplier, companies that have tendered with the URJC (reprography, messaging, transportation, translation and linguistic review, etc.)
- Internal positions, services provided by units of the URJC (Technological Support Center, Language Center, Doctorate Enrollments).
- Speakers, conferences given at the URJC.
- Specific plans (infrastructure plan of the Vice-Rectorate for Research)
- Prepares the accounting documents for the calls of the Vice-Rector for Research (Mobility, publications, translations and linguistic review).
- Refunds of remainder and interest.
- Ineligible expenses.
- Prepares accounting documents for remunerations charged to research projects, both for internal and external personnel.
- Prepares the credit reserve accounting documents for calls for research project personnel (PPI).
Responsible: Alicia Cermeno Martin
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 93 12; email:
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
- Promote knowledge transfer processes towards the productive sectors and society in general.
- Promote the transfer of the results of the research carried out at the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Facilitate the use of the scientific-technological capabilities of its research groups by innovative companies and other entities interested in collaborating on projects of common interest.
The Personnel Area coordinates the administrative activity of the decentralized personnel management units located on the campuses and headquarters, in collaboration with the campus management and the headquarters administrations.
Vice Manager: Maria Isabel Blázquez López
Address: Extension Building of the Rectorate. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
- Head of Personnel Management Area: Elena Rodríguez Barcia
- Head of the Professional Development, Risk Prevention and Occupational Health Area: Miguel Angel Cano
The following services and units are part of this area:
Teaching and Research Personnel Service
Responsible: Miguel Angel of the Vega River
Rectorate Building.Phone: 91 488 71 11
This service is entrusted with the following functions:
- Development of all administrative activity related to the hiring and management of Teaching and Research Staff at the University:
- Calls for applications
- Recruitment
- Management of teaching and research merits
- Integration of teaching human resources in POD
- Management of programs and calls aimed at incorporating Faculty (own and external predoctoral contracts).
Payroll and Social Security Service
Responsible: María S. Solís Castellanos
The Payroll and Social Security Service is responsible for:
- the payroll and remuneration management processes of University employees;
- the procedures derived from the obligations with social security and other pension entities (passive rights, MUFACE),
- the management of temporary disabilities due to common or professional contingencies of employees belonging to the general social security regime and with the mutual insurance company in the case of work accidents.
- Registrations, cancellations, modifications, incidents and contributions in the general treasury of social security in relation to unpaid internships of students
Occupational Risk Prevention Service
Responsible: Ivan Golden Moreno
Address: Expansion of the Rectorate Building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 84 99 E-mail:
The Prevention Service is responsible for having an occupational risk management system at the University that covers all the activities and groups of the URJC. Manages annual prevention programs, carries out occupational risk assessment, and trains workers in this matter.
Responsible: José Manuel De León Ceano-Vivas. Deputy Vice Manager to the General Manager.
Address: Rectorate Extension Building, c/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles. Madrid
Phone: 914887020 E-mail:
- Head of Electronic Administration Area: Dolores Alonso
General Affairs and Organization Service
Responsible: Rosa Albarran Sanchez
Key functions developed by this service are detailed below:
- Preparation of the Technical Prescription Documents and the proposal for contracting services, as well as the subsequent management, processing and control of the following files:
- Travel Agency Service
- Passenger transportation service by bus or minibus.
- Printing service for the creation of personalized printed material.
- Messenger Service.
- Moving, assembly and transfer of materials and furniture service.
- Vehicle driving service.
- Renting vehicle service.
- General administration (Rectorate Building): coordination and management of the resources assigned to the Rectorate building. (Among others: Cleaning Services, Service and Security Assistants, office materials and supplies, meeting rooms, spaces and equipment, emergency plan, rental of spaces).
- Collaboration and support in the electoral processes corresponding to general collegiate government bodies.
- Support in the coordination for the holding of University Cloisters and academic events held at the University.
- Manage and plan the annual events that are carried out in the Rectorate, defining for each event the objectives, activities, resources, technical means, deadlines and evaluation indicators that will be applied during the year.
- Processing budgets, expense control and certifications of external companies and suppliers.
Logistics Service
Responsible: Esmeralda García Barquero.
Address: Rectorate Extension Building. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid).
Regular hours: Monday to Thursday: from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and 15:30 p.m. to 17.30:9 p.m. Friday: from 00:14 a.m. to 00:XNUMX p.m.
The Logistics Service manages the following contracts:
- 2021064SERA: Surveillance and security service for the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2021070SERA: Service assistant service for the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2023003SERA: Cleaning service for the various facilities of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2023053SERA: Service for the maintenance of surveillance and security systems for the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2024024SUMAS: Supplies of embroidered scholarships (graduation sashes) for the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2023144PRIA: Contracting of a life insurance policy for the staff at the service of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2024043PRIAS: Contracting of a Civil Liability policy at the service of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- 2024028SERA: Comprehensive Certified Printing and Digitization Service for the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- Economic control.
Service members
Section Chief: Alberto Jiménez Villapalos.
Administrative Assistant: Miguel Cano Hernandez.
Administrative Assistant: Nuria Carrasco Álvarez.
Planning Service
Responsible: Lorena Rodriguez Ortego.
Address: Office 3017, 3rd floor Extension of the Rector's Office. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 91 664 7401 E-mail:
For visits make an appointment.
This service works on the participation and analysis of national and international rankings, on the generation of corporate data for internal and external dissemination, as well as on the generation of statistics, reports and technical studies to support institutional decision-making. In addition, the cabinet deals with those tasks entrusted by the Vice President for Planning and Strategy, the body to which it is attached.
Among the services of the Planning and Programming Office, it is worth mentioning:
- Participation and analysis of national and international rankings.
- Preparation of reports and technical studies to support institutional decision-making.
- Preparation of statistics and data requested by other institutions (CRUE, INE or SIIU, to name a few).
- Design and updating of active advertising, we also guarantee public access to information and protect the sensitive data of the Transparency Portal.
- User satisfaction surveys (PAS training, library training or university for the elderly, among others).
- Support in the tasks entrusted by the Vice President for Planning and Strategy, such as the generation of reports aimed at the Strategic Plan.
- Control of the data incorporated in the databases so that they are consistent when extracting information.
Analytical Accounting Unit
Responsible: Lucía Álvarez González
The Analytical Accounting of universities, based on the CANOA model, is a system that allows evaluating the costs of the activities carried out by the different organizational units.
It focuses on providing detailed information on the use of public resources and facilitating strategic decision-making to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in achieving its institutional objectives.
This unit is responsible for the implementation and updating of the customization of Analytical Accounting at the Rey Juan Carlos University.
Responsible: Magdalena Nebot Boberg
Address: C/ Quintana, 2 – 3rd floor, 28008 Madrid.
The University Library of the King Juan Carlos University (BURJC) is a resource center for learning, teaching, research and activities related to the operation and management of the university as a whole.
The mission of the BURJC is to facilitate access and dissemination of information resources and to collaborate with knowledge creation processes, in order to contribute to the achievement of the university's objectives.
- Information and guidance in the search for information.
- Activity aimed at undergraduate students, with 1 RAC ECTS credit.
- On-demand training for different members of the university community.
- Activity aimed at students of the International Doctoral School (EID)
- PDI and Researchers training plan
- Reading in the room: intended for consulting bibliographic and documentary collections. The reading rooms are also dedicated to study.
- Loan:
- Personal: home, reservation and renewal.
- Self-loan and self-return.
- Intercampus.
- Interlibrarian.
- Access from a single point to the different electronic resources and online services: BRAIN and updated information from the BURJC, through the web.
- Management of the BURJC Digital for the publication of open electronic documents of a scientific, educational and institutional nature, prepared by members of the URJC university community.
- Acquisition management of bibliographic and documentary material. Requests for the purchase and subscription of the documents necessary to facilitate learning, teaching and research will be attended to.
- Group Work Rooms (STG): aimed at students.
- Laptop loan: aimed at students.
- Loan of graphic tablets
- Internet Access Points (PAI's)
- Support for open science:
- Access, dissemination and preservation of the knowledge generated at the URJC through the Institutional repository: BURJC Digital.
- Management of open scientific data through the institutional data repository.
- Support in the management of Transformative Agreements (TA) and the open publication of the scientific production of the PDI of the URJC.
- Standardization of author profiles, how to find citations, guidance on signature standardization, support in processing the evaluation and accreditation of the PDI; collaboration in giving greater visibility to the scientific production of the PDI of the URJC.
- Obtaining the Madroño Passport Card that allows the user to borrow books from any of the libraries of the universities that make up the Madroño Consortium.
- Research rooms (SIE): aimed at PDI and researchers
Library extension and dissemination of information on bibliographic and documentary collections through exhibitions, websites, electronic guides, social networks and through the organization of cultural activities
Campus Libraries:
Alcorcón campus library.
Aranjuez Campus Library
Fuenlabrada Campus Library
Madrid Campus Library
Móstoles Campus Library
Responsible: Virginia Alvarez Rodríguez
Address: Rectorate Extension Building, 4th floor. C/ Tulipán s/n. 28933 Mostoles
Management of services aimed at student care, from the promotion of URJC studies, organization of University entrance tests, management of scholarships and aid, as well as student care, through information and guidance, student observatory, student house, student associations. Management of official degrees and attention to graduated students through the Alumni office.
Directorate of the University Social Responsibility Service, which promotes and manages the calls and activities of the units that comprise it: Cooperation and Volunteering, Equality Unit, Diversity Unit, Animal-assisted Intervention Unit, Healthy University Unit, Learning Office and Service.
Directorate of Culture and Sports Services, for the promotion of university sports, as well as cultural activities, management of the choir and orchestra and summer courses.
Directorate of the Publications Service, which includes the Office of Publication and Free Culture, the Legal Clinic and the University for the Elderly.
Management of the Sustainability area to encourage responsible use of resources and promote energy efficiency, decarbonization and reduction of the carbon footprint of the URJC, through UNEFE and the Green Office.
The following services and units are part of this area:
Student Access, Guidance and Attention Service (SiOU)
Responsible: Manuel Sanchez Sidewalk
Address: Rectorate Building 004A. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
- Access
- University entrance tests (EvAU)
- Senior tests +25, +40, +45
- Orientation
- Pre-University Orientation Program
- Classroom Fair
- Evau Conferences
- Open Doors Conference
- Educational fairs and information sessions
- Program 4º ESO + Company
- Campus visits
- Guidance for families and students
- Pre-University Orientation Program
- Student Attention
- Student information office (rector's office)
- Alumni Office and career guidance
- Care Unit for people with disabilities and special educational needs
- Collaboration with the Student Committed Action Unit
- Student Observatory
- Student House
Student Information and Attention: Phone: (+34) 91 665 5060. Route 1.1
Future Student Orientation Program: Phone: (+34) 91 488 7349
Alumni / Alumni Office: Phone:(+34) 91 488 8528
Care Unit for People with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs
Responsible: Nuria Trugeda Pedrajo.
Address: Office BS-001. Library-basement building
C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 91 488 9319/ 91 488 7121. Email:
Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 14 p.m. (closed local, national and provincial holidays) upon request by telephone or email.
The main objective of the unit is that those members of the university community, students, professors or administration and services staff, who present any type of functional diversity or special educational need, can enjoy the same opportunities as the rest for the development of their university studies, or for the performance of their jobs, under the prism of equal opportunities.
- Physical, administrative and communication accessibility, linked to SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities).
- Teacher training in functional diversity (disability according to WHO criteria), linked to SDG 4 (quality education).
- Research and technological development, linked to SDG 4 (quality education).
- University Extension and Social Service: adapted sport, linked to SDG 3 (health and well-being).
- Advice for access, performance and maintenance of employment, linked to SDG 4 (quality education) and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth).
- Information, advice and support for students with special educational needs, linked to SDG 4 (quality education).
- Note taker, linked to SDG 4 (quality education).
Degrees, Scholarships and Student Aid Service
Responsible: Jose Javier Fernandez Rodriguez
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone numbers and contact form:
Titles section: Student help box
Scholarship Section: 91 665 5060. Route 1.2.2 Student help box
Help section: 91 665 5060. Route 1.2.2 Student help box
Functions of the Degrees, Scholarships and Student Aid Service:
- Management, issuance and sending of official bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees
- MEC scholarships
- MEC Collaboration Scholarships
- URJC Student Collaboration Scholarships
- Socioeconomic Aid Program
- Psychological Aid Program
- Calls for aid from Banco Santander
University Social Responsibility Service
Responsible: Irene Cantalejo Martín. Head of University Social Responsibility
Address: Restoration Building. Mostoles Campus
Phone: 91 488 7029 E-mail:
The University Social Responsibility Service is made up of those units whose activity is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. The main objective focuses on the defense and promotion of a model based on people, the planet, peace, prosperity and alliances that allow for the construction of fair and sustainable human development, promoting intra- and extra-university actions that strengthen the institution's relations with society.
Coordinates the management of the following units:
University Office of Service Learning
Responsible: Rocio Samino Garcia
For visits, make an appointment by email.
The University Service-Learning Office was created as a service open to the University Community for the supervision of the management carried out by the Project Coordinators in relation to activities that, based on the Service-Learning methodology, allow the permanent collaboration of the University with the society.
Office services include:
- Train members of the university community in the ApS methodology.
- Support new researchers, teachers or groups who want or have implemented the ApS methodology in the university, so that they can connect it with the SDGs.
- Participate in events that involve knowledge transfer to society in terms of ethical and social commitment.
- Participate in networks of exchange, learning and promotion of SL experiences.
- Promote the dissemination of SL experiences.
Healthy University Office
Responsible: Ainhoa Romero Hernandez and Silvia Cruz Cornejo
Address: Restoration Building. Office 015. Móstoles Campus (Madrid)
Phone: 91 488 7170 / 91 664 7412. E-mail:
For visits make an appointment.
From the Healthy University Program, which was born in 2008, we collaborate to make the URJC a health-promoting environment for the people who work and study there, emphasizing the training of personal skills that allow us to take care of our health and well-being as active agents.
- Seminars and workshops on socio-emotional skills.
- Health campaigns.
- Health promotion activities in collaboration with other entities.
- Collaboration of students as health promoting agents.
- Actions aimed at promoting a healthy environment within the URJC.
- Develop and share resources on the web to improve our health
Animal Assisted Intervention Office
Responsible: Israel Gonzalez Garcia
Address: Restoration Building. Mostoles Campus
Phone: 91 488 7195 E-mail:
Hours: MF 09:00 a.m.-14:00 p.m. (local, national and provincial holidays closed)
For visits make an appointment.
The OIAA is created and, therefore, carries out its work with the intention of making visible the benefit of animal therapies. The office has developed a protocol that allows the projection and implementation of Animal Assisted Interventions, adapted to the specific needs of the recipient users.
- Planning and creation of Animal Assisted Intervention programs and support of other existing ones. Mainly, we work with the therapy dog as an essential part of these interventions, aimed at groups that can benefit from them.
- Supervision and follow-up of the programs launched, in order to guarantee their optimal functioning.
- Undertaking and promotion of research activities with the purpose of obtaining a scientific basis that allows endorsing Animal Assisted Interventions.
- Development of training activities aimed both at professionals in the Animal Assisted Interventions sector, as well as at all those who wish to start training on them, with the creation of a Own Title both as an expert and as a technician and online training.
Development Cooperation and Volunteer Unit
Head of the Unit:
Address: Restoration Building, Office 001. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933. Móstoles (Madrid).
Phone: 914884387 E-mail:
Hours: LV Prior Appointment in the morning hours.
The service manages the activities related to the field of International Cooperation for Development and Volunteering undertaken corporately at the University and represents the institution in external forums where it works in these fields.
- Preparation and execution of national and international volunteer programs aimed at the university community.
- Relationship with entities outside the university to establish common projects in the field of cooperation, volunteering and USR.
- Management of funding calls for projects related to Development Cooperation and volunteering.
- Management of international cooperation projects promoted from the service itself or from units that request support.
- Support for people who are refugees or integrated at some point in the Spanish international protection reception system who are part of the URJC university community.
- Development and execution of training plans in volunteering and international cooperation.
- Management of university participation in intergenerational coexistence programs.
- Management of various activities related to the field of RSU, solidarity and citizen participation within the university.
Equality Unit
Responsible: Pilar Charro Baena
Address: Office 2011-B1, 2nd floor, Rectorate Extension. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 914 88 82 77. E-mail:
For visits make an appointment.
The objectives of this Unit are to prepare, monitor and evaluate the URJC Equality Plan, as well as ensure compliance with current legislation on effective equality between women and men.
The functions of the Equality Unit include:
- Carrying out the gender diagnosis.
- The preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the Equality Plan.
- The promotion of training actions on the principle of equality for the awareness of the university community.
- The promotion of initiatives, in the field of higher education, that encourage teaching and research with a gender perspective.
- The promotion of gender mainstreaming in university policies.
Culture Service
Responsible: Elena Diaz Escudero
Address: Rector's Building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 71 01 E-mail:
It is responsible for:
- Manage the cultural activities of the University (orchestra, choir, theater, literary contests, promotion and debate activities on human rights, debate clubs or others that are organized).
- Manage university extension activities at the University (study programs for people over 50, summer courses, other short courses - training activities not included in the catalog of official degrees or the University's own teachings and continuing training courses - ).
- Manage student participation initiatives (Fórmula Student, URJC Mun, etc.).
- Administrative management of Summer Courses
- Management of theater, choir and orchestra activities.
Publication Service
Responsible: Laura Cruz Parra
Address: Vicálvaro Campus, Building A, Office 44.c/ Paseo de los Artilleros, s/n. 28032 MADRID
Phone: 914 88 78 12 E-mail:
It is responsible for:
- Publishing of books or magazines.
- Distribution and dissemination of scientific, technical, literary, artistic or cultural production.
- Reception of works for evaluation by the Publications Council.
- Technical assistance for text editing.
Coordination and administrative management of the following units:
Legal Clinic
Director: Marta Albert Marquez. Coordinator: Alfonso Vicente Lorca.
More information
Free Knowledge and Culture Office
Responsible: Jesus Maria Gonzalez Barahona
Address: Mostoles Campus. Office 004, ground floor of the Rectorate building. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 91 488 4679 E-mail:
It is responsible for:
- Promote awareness of open publication and free knowledge options at the University
- Promote knowledge and approach to free cultural works by the university community.
- Promote the production of free cultural works by the university community.
- Promote knowledge and use of open data.
sports service
Responsible: Pedro Ramos-Alonso
Address: Restoration Building. Mostoles Campus. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 914 88 70 95 E-mail:
It is responsible for:
- Prepare and manage the annual sports offer.
- Organize and manage competitive sports activities (internal or participation in university championships) and maintenance or recreation activities (sports schools and gyms).
- Manage the maintenance and use of the University's sports facilities.
- Manage the acquisition of supplies and the provision of services related to sports activity at the University.
Energy Efficiency Unit (UNEFE)
Responsible: Ruben Rodriguez Garcia
Phone: 91 488 46 60
It is responsible for:
- Development and maintenance of the ISO 50001 energy management system.
- Definition of strategies and action plans regarding Energy Efficiency in the short and medium term. Preparation of technical specifications for contests.
- Carrying out energy and functional audits of facilities.
- Identification and proposal for the implementation of energy improvement measures, calculating investments, returns and financial parameters.
- Preparation of Building Books.
Website: Energy Efficiency Unit (UNEFE)
Green Office
Responsible: Consuelo Iriarte Campo.
Address: Office 2009, 2rd floor Extension of the Rector's Office. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 91 488 93 53. Email:
Hours: MF 09:00 a.m.-14:00 p.m. (local, national and provincial holidays closed).
For visits make an appointment.
The Green Office works to incorporate sustainability in any area of our university (teaching, research, administration and management), in all facilities, with the aim of reducing the environmental impact that this generates.
It is responsible for:
- Reduce the environmental impacts of university activity by designing preventive and corrective measures and raising awareness to promote the responsible consumption of resources.
- Promote the sustainability of university activity and the balance between the natural environment and human well-being.
- Evaluate the environmental implications of our actions using indicators such as the carbon footprint or the ecological footprint, among others.
- Learn about the progress made towards a sustainable university.
Responsible: Antonio Escaño
Address: Extension Building of the Rectorate. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
The Infrastructure Area coordinates the technical and administrative activity of the maintenance units of the campuses and headquarters, in collaboration with the campus management and the headquarters administrations.
The following services and units are part of this area:
Technical office
Technical director: martha chaves
Head of the Technical Office: Susana Losada
Phone: 91 665 50 97
It is responsible for:
- Execution of new buildings, urbanization, renovation and conservation works, in accordance with the needs of the University.
- Drafting of studies and technical reports, preliminary projects, basic projects, execution projects and voluntary management of works and installations, when appropriate.
- Preparation of technical specifications for project contracting files, project management and works within the scope of its competence.
- Project supervision.
- Application of occupational risk prevention regulations in the scope of their functions.
- Drafting of urban planning, urbanization and reparcelling projects.
- Processing municipal licenses and other authorizations necessary for the exercise of their functions.
Maintenance service
Head of Service: Maria Huertas Simonet
Phone: 91 488 87 23
It is responsible for:
- Direct or subcontracted management of preventive, corrective, conductive and predictive maintenance of the facilities of the different buildings of the University, to comply with the law, optimize their use and useful life and guarantee the prevention of occupational risks.
- Management of the CMMS maintenance program which includes equipment inventories, equipment maintenance planning, corrective maintenance, etc.
- Supervision of billing of supplies (gas, electricity and water).
- Technical advice for adaptation of premises and facilities necessary for new teaching and/or research equipment and preparation of budgets and necessary works.
Responsible: Pablo Tomas Salvadors Alonso
Address: Rectorate building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 45 67 E-mail: ,
The management of the Internationalization Area, dependent on the vice-rector's office for International Relations, directs and coordinates international mobility programs, ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination, and comprehensive and competitive training. It also promotes scholarship and aid programs for lifelong learning and training and disseminates programs financed by the European Union, in particular the E+ program, other programs with public financing and private financing. international relations and enhances strategic alliances. Likewise, it promotes the activity of the university language center whose objective is to cover the linguistic needs of the university community in accordance with the CEFR guidelines.
International Relations Service
Responsible: Constanza Barrios Ramos
It is responsible for:
- International mobility outgoing/incoming students program Erasmus+ and MUNDE
- SICUE national mobility inbound/outbound
- International mobility PDI and PTGAS Erasmus+ program
- Erasmus+ international internship mobility
- Combined Intensive Programs (BIP)
- Buddy Program
- Management of national and international agreements
- Management of European and national scholarships and subsidies
- Relationship with national and international financiers
- Santander mobility scholarships
- Other international programs, UCR-Disney, cultural Disney
- Visitors
Responsible: Juan Manuel Devora Lorenzo
Address: Expansion of the Rectorate Building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 45 27 E-mail:
The Information Technologies (IT) Area provides, maintains and ensures the Information Systems and Technologies necessary for the proper functioning of the University and supports users in their use. It is organized in:
Corporate Applications Service
Responsible: Julio Holgado Godino
The Corporate Applications Service is responsible for:
- Plan and design the corporate applications necessary for the operation of the University.
- Develop or acquire and the University's corporate applications.
- Manage and maintain the University's corporate applications.
Technological Infrastructure Service
Responsible: Valentin Felip Dorado
The Technological Infrastructure and Systems Service is responsible for managing the base of all the technology used at the university, specifically:
- Communications (links, security devices, switching and routing) both voice and data of the entire university.
- Servers, both physical and virtual, Data Processing Centers (CPD's), storage cabins, databases and essential services.
- The audiovisual assets deployed at the University.
- Network services (DNS, email, authentication directories, web, etc.) and collaboration and productivity systems
ICT Management Service
Responsible: Maria Antonia Liberal Liberal
The ICT Management Service is responsible for:
- The User Service Center that manages the first level of computer support and develops and executes the procedures for the management and resolution of incidents.
- Purchases of microcomputer equipment for the user station and teaching classrooms.
- The acquisition, management and implementation of teaching software.
- Coordinate with the campuses the management of the microcomputer park and the services associated with it: software, printing, file storage and incident management
Campus IT units that are responsible for:
- Manage the campus IT park.
- Provide support and advice to the campus PAS and PDI in the use of ICT equipment and services.
- Maintain the technological equipment of classrooms and teaching spaces.
- Identify the technological demands required to meet the administrative and educational needs of the campus, and carry out or promote the initiatives necessary to implement them successfully.
Alcorcón Campus Manager: Antonio Mateos Gutiérrez
Aranjuez Campus Manager: Angel Lopez Rabadan
Fuenlabrada Campus Manager: Isabel Garcia Garcia
Madrid Campus Manager: Domingo Pérez Lobato
Madrid Headquarters Manager: Carlos Cazorla Benito
Móstoles Campus Manager: Miguel Albarran Sanchez
Innovation and Digital Education Service
Responsible: Natalia Esteban Sánchez
The ICT Management Service is responsible for:
- Support teaching in its different face-to-face, blended and distance modalities, through eLearning environments, such as Virtual Classroom.
- Provide support to teachers and students for pedagogical improvement and innovation.
- Design and produce materials, resources and digital content (audiovisual and multimedia) for teaching, mainly in blended or distance learning modalities.
- Develop and implement educational technological solutions and environments to improve teaching and learning processes.
- Implement initiatives and actions to promote open training (MOOC, SPOC, OER...
Other Services and Units
General Archive
Responsible: Lorenzo Matheu Ramos
Address: Library building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 71 44 E-mail:
- Organization, treatment and conservation of the Documentary Heritage of the University.
- Custody of the documents produced and/or received in the development of the functions and activities of the university bodies.
Communication Department
Responsible: Josep Roure Oriol
Address: Expansion of the Rectorate Building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 73 22 E-mail:
- Relationship with the communication media.
- Corporate visual identity of the institution. Download corporate identity manual
- Social networks and internal communication management.
- Web
Control and General Intervention
Responsible: Cristina Castillo-Moreno
Address: Expansion of the Rectorate Building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid
Phone: 91 488 82 28 E-mail:
The General Control and Intervention Area has the mission of supervising the economic management of the Rey Juan Carlos University, to guarantee that its acts comply with the regulations and legal provisions on the matter on an internal and preventive basis.