The 4 public Medicine faculties of Madrid hold a session of closed clinical cases

Posted by miguel lamb

This internal teaching practice of the University of Alcalá was proposed to the rest of the public universities of Madrid, Autonomous, Complutense, Rey Juan Carlos and Alcalá, and last Friday, the 22nd, an interhospital and interuniversity debate session was held for the first time closed clinical cases among medical students. It was held in the Aula Magna of the UAH Medicine building and could be followed in streaming to bring it closer to the teachers and students who could not travel.

Four cases were presented in which all faculties participated with proponent teams and discussion teams. The reasons for consulting the clinical cases are as follows: Decreased level of consciousness (proposed by the UAH/discussed by the URJC), Fever and joint inflammation in the right foot (proposed by the UAM/discussed by the UCM), Altered biochemistry in analytical tests (proposed UCM/discusses the UAH) and Woman with skin lesions (proposes URJC/discusses the UAM).

This activity allows a greater rapprochement between the different faculties and the students themselves in a teaching context that is very different from the traditional one. The attendees expressed their satisfaction with the celebration of this event and specifically the students who participated from the URJC consider that it is a very good experience and that it should continue to be promoted.

Last modified on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 11:00