The Albert Jovell Awards recognize the program 'Huellas de Colores'

Posted by Francisco Molina Rueda

The 'Huellas de Colores' program is a pioneer in introducing therapy with dogs in ICUs in Spain

The project promoted by Animals and Society Chair of the URJC adjacent to October 12 Hospital y PsychoAnimal, receives the first prize in the category Initiative that improves patient health outcomes

'Footprints of Colors' incorporates the Interventions with Animals as a way of humanize intensive care and control pain of patients with non-pharmacological measures.

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. Albert Jovell Awards distinguish projects that place the patient at the center of the health system. In this kashan recognized in its V Edition the work of program 'Footprints of Colors', First to introduce Dog-Assisted Therapy in Spain in an ICU, the Pediatric ICU of the Hospital 12 de Octubre, with the first prize for the projects presented in the Initiative category that improves patient health outcomes.

More information: 

Likewise, those responsible for the program were interviewed in the mornings of La 1. You can listen to the interview (from minute 8:10) at the following link: