Week of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Posted by miguel lamb


On September 10 and 12, the Faculty of Health Sciences has held various activities within the framework of the "Week of the Faculty of Health Sciences".



The purpose of this week was to welcome the university community. To this end, on the 10th, various institutions and associations were invited with the aim of informing students about university life, theater, culture, associations, professional associations or medical publishers. Likewise, attendees were able to enjoy a food truck gastronomic space. 


Thursday's conference, on human rights, ethics and the use of new technologies, managed to fill the capacity. Professor José Luis de Barrio Fernández gave a presentation on ethics in the university and in the health field, emphasizing the importance of the Ethics Committee in research. Then at the table, moderated by Professor Raquel Abalo Delgado, the speakers Antonio Sanz Montemayor (Academic Director of the Program for Digital Transformation of the URJC) and José de Sola Guitiérrez (Clinical Psychotherapist Psychologist, expert in ICT Addiction) discussed the Rational use versus addiction of information and communication technologies. Likewise, Professor Gema Díaz Gil encouraged debate with the attendees through a series of news items and questions that the attendees had to answer using their mobile devices. Finally, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences gave her presentation on the Hippocratic Code.    

faculty week2


Last modified on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 10:30