HELP - The collaborative and consultation space on remote teaching and assessment, includes a forum for students with functional diversity

Posted by FMR

The forum, available in the virtual classroom, allows you to resolve questions about adaptations in teaching and assessment systems 

La care unit for people with functional diversity (disability according to the criteria used by the WHO) has as its main objective that those members of the university community, students, professors or administration and services staff who present any type of functional diversity or special educational need, can enjoy the same opportunities as the rest for the development of their university studies, or for the performance of their jobs, under the prism of equal opportunities.

To achieve this purpose in the unexpected situation, the Disability UAD URJC coordinates a forum in the HELP collaborative space of the virtual classroom that allows to solve questions about remote teaching and evaluation for students with functional diversity. Among the main doubts that the forum is resolving, the adaptation of exams to students with functional diversity. Clicking here You have a question and answer document on this issue.