Protocol of Action in the event of the appearance of cases of COVID-19 in the URJC

Posted by FMR

The URJC publishes a protocol for action in cases of COVID-19


The URJC has appointed COVID-19 managers to organize decision-making and communications in the event of the appearance of cases in the university community.

These are those responsible for the Alcorcón and Aranjuez campuses:

  • Alcorcón Campus: Darío Sánchez Villar- Campus Manager
  • Aranjuez Campus: Mª Mercedes Castaño Pascual - Campus Manager

El document cites that:

In the event that any person present symptomatology compatible with COVID19 of sudden onset, it is recommended that you stay at home, or accommodation, and you should contact your health center and we will follow the instructions they give us.

The URJC workers must communicate this circumstance to the person in charge who will be the one who will communicate it to the Medical Service.

The school They will communicate it to the head of the degree or tutor for the possible adaptation of their teaching.

Nor will those who are in home quarantine for having had close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 attend the University.

If a person suddenly presents symptoms compatible with COVID19 in the URJC facilities, will communicate this circumstance to their immediate supervisor and in the case of students to their teacher. The person will go to his home, wearing a well-fitting mask at all times, and will contact his health center. The person in charge or professor to whom this circumstance is communicated, will contact the Occupational Medicine Service who will coordinate the follow-up of the case.

Contact: ; Tel. 11021 

Alcorcón Emergencies: 4001 (603012228) or 8816 (914888816)

Aranjuez Emergencies:

  • Pavia Building 4400 (914884400)
  • Governor Building 4410 (914884410)
  • Farnese Building 4420 (914884420)
  • Lucas Jordan Building 4430 (914884430)