Workshop "Duel for health students"

Posted by FMR

El Healthy University Programoffers an activity Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days in the month of October, addressed to everyone students belonging to the Faculty of Health Sciences



October 22 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

* Goal: This workshop is focused on providing health students with the following knowledge:

- What is a duel and types of duel

- Phases of grief

-How to communicate bad news

-Self-care of the health professional

*Modality: It will be held online and live through Teams, so it will be interactive and doubts can be resolved at the time. After registration, you will receive an email with the instructions to follow. Attendance at the workshop will be controlled and a short paper will be requested at the end of the workshop that can be delivered up to three days after the workshop.

* Credits: 0 ECTS. to get them It is essential to attend the online session live on TEAMS and write a short paper afterwards.

*How to sign up: Click on the link and fill in all the information requested in the form.

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