The Exhibition “Maps of the Body” comes to our Faculty

Posted by Francisco G. Esquer

The artist Noelia Royo exhibits her most personal project, which can be visited in the Management Building until next October 20

This artistic project has 3 aspects:

1. Teach my lost brain a new path to follow to send new information, I visualize the failed path of pain and fatigue that the nervous system follows every day in a loop, I mark the painful points, the possible connections that may arise and I establish the anchors that will be necessary to cross the labyrinth of shapes and colors that occur within the drawing.

2. I work without perspective, I am interested in the body on a real scale, I work with a plumb line and the contours on the paper. I am interested in confirming that my body is a map, an atlas of anatomy that when drawing in different postures allows new shapes to emerge, and thus, the foot joins the thalamus, the pelvis; the heart disappears between the hands, the stomach intertwines with the fingers, two postures come together in the dream, I can open my head in two and investigate in a completely natural way what is happening inside and extend the marrow, how could this alteration of feeling reality in a different way? Hypersensitive to light, noise, always alert

3. The creation process allows me my right to be forgotten, when an illness makes you change your habits and does not agree with what is socially established, a deconstruction of the individual occurs and you rebuild yourself within a box of limitations.

Creating allows me to forget the box.


noelia royo


Noelia Royo

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Last modified on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 10:41