Visual culture, interdisciplinarity and periphery at the URJC

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On October 23, 24 and 25, 2023, the Vicálvaro Campus of the URJC will host the organization of the I International Conference on Visual Culture. Periphery and Interdiscipinarity in Visual Studies. This is the first international conference on interdisciplinary studies of visuality organized jointly by the URJC and the UCM, and which seeks to consolidate a field of research and innovation still emerging in the Hispanic panorama.

The proposal comes from the Art History Area of ​​the Department of Historical and Social Studies of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, and is financed thanks to the help of several grants from the URJC and the UCM, as well as as well as the R&D projects of the organizing committee and the collaboration of several Faculties of the URJC. This joint effort will allow teachers of the caliber of Keith Moxey (Columbia University), Mieke Bal (University of Amsterdam), Matthew Rampley (Masaryk University) or Michele Bacci (University of Fribourg), which have been international leaders in visual culture studies for two decades. The manuals and monographs of these experts are used as basic texts in curricular subjects in art history and visual culture around the world.

The list of guest professors is completed with John Martin Prada (University of Cádiz), whose book Art theory and digital culture has recently been published by Akal; Ana Garcia Varas (University of Zaragoza), expert in aesthetics and image theories; Sergio Martínez Luna (National University of Distance Education) and Paula Barreiro Lopez (Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès University). To these are added more than eighty communicants, with thirty international experts of relevance in the interdisciplinary field of visual studies, who will speak on the phenomenon of visuality from the interdisciplinary periphery.

Students and the interested public can still register with a reduced fee until next Friday, October 13. The UCM has recognized 2 ECTS for all undergraduate students who participate in the congress.

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