The Action Unit Committed to Students (UACE) is constituted as a university service, regulated in article 188 of the University Statutes, dependent on the Vice-Rector's Office for Students. The unit is born with the willingness to promote student-centered actions, stimulate collaboration and student representation, and analyze student sensitivities.
The UACE houses two organizations, the Student Observatory and the Student House.
La purpose of the UACE is to articulate a model of student participation based on debate, discussion, reflection and the development of studies. This collaborative model will allow the university management of the Vice-Rector for Students to be permeable to the needs and sensitivities of the student body. In this way, it will try to promote values such as equity and transparency, equal opportunities, effort and commitment and fraternity, collaborative development and empathy.
Main objectives from the UACE are:
I. Promote action programs (guidance, scholarships and aid) based on the detection of student needs.
II. Promote policies that reward effort, taking into account diversity.
III. Develop student-centered policies and promote a collaborative management model through student representation.
IV. Strengthen the possibilities of access to university studies for the entire population, as well as the possibilities of completing them, regardless of their social and economic condition or their functional characteristics.
V. Increase the sense and pride of belonging to the institution.
SAW. Disseminate the programs and activities carried out and give visibility to the actions
of the student body through the mechanisms provided by the university.
Regulation. Published in BOURJC Number 36 - Year IV. March 3, 2023