“TANQALI-Coordinated Gamification in the Classroom”: ESCET teachers continue to bet on teaching innovation

Published by Subdirectorate of Communication, Promotion and Sustainable Development of the ESCET

During this month of November, for the second year, a teaching innovation activity of escape room with the students of the 2nd year of the Degree in Food Science and Technology, of the subjects Food Analysis Techniques y Food Chemistry.

This activity has been organized by the professors, Isabel Sierra, Sonia Morante, Damián Pérez, Judith Gañan and Natalia Casado from the Analytical Chemistry area, and has had the support of ESCET. This year, given the circumstances, the activity has been adapted to the virtual classroom environment with students divided into two groups. The activity has been developed under the motto “Eat, Hit, Escape” where the students tried to escape from the classroom in which they had been trapped, solving different challenges that tested the knowledge acquired in these subjects.

 The activity has been highly valued by the students, who above all have highlighted that it is a very appropriate and fun way to review and consolidate previous knowledge of both subjects.