Cycle of Debates on journalism in society


FAPE and “la Caixa” Foundation organize four round tables to discuss the perspectives and challenges of journalism

La Federation of Associations of Journalists in Spain (FAPE) and the "la Caixa" Foundation, in collaboration with the Illustrious College of Philosophy and Letters and Sciences, organize four round tables to discuss current issues and future prospects for journalism.

On November 7 and 14 and December 4 and 11, the halls of “la Caixa” (CaixaForum) host the Cycle of Debates “Journalism: Profession and society”.

 The first round table, under the title “The revival of columnism in Spain” will take place this Wednesday, November 7 at 19:00 p.m. The president of the FAPE, Nemesio Rodríguez, will present the event, which will be attended by the vice-dean of the College of Philosophy and Letters and Sciences of the Community of Madrid, Fernando Carratalá, and the following journalism professionals:

- Jorge bustos, columnist and head of opinion (El Mundo).

- Lorraine G. Maldonado, columnist and head of Culture (El Español).

- Belen Molleda, journalist and columnist (20 Minutes).

- Jose Maria Noguerol, columnist (Prensa Ibérica) and dircom (Teatro Real).

- Antonio Paperl, columnist and editorialist (Colpisa) and dircom (College of Civil Engineers).

- Anthony San Jose, columnist (El Norte de Castilla) and collaborator of Herrera (Cope).


 Admission is free until full capacity. If you are interested or interested in attending this conference, you can register through the following link. If you cannot attend the conference, through the FAPE Twitter live monitoring will be done with the hashtag #debatesfapecaixa

“The longest electoral cycle of Democracy” It will be the second debate and will be held on November 14 at 19:00 p.m. Presented again by Nemesio Rodríguez, the participants of this conference are John Gonzalo Ospina, deputy of the Governing Board of the Madrid Bar Association;  Carmen del Riego, political columnist for La Vanguardia; Mikel Iturbe, director of Heraldo de Aragón; Ana Pardo from Vera, director of the Public Newspaper; john tapia, Editorial Director of El Periódico and  Jose Antonio Zarzalejos, journalist and lawyer.



Last modified on Monday, November 04, 2019 at 07:50