Salva García, student at the Faculty of Communication Sciences: "I have gone to bed at 6 in the morning editing a video"

Written by Laura Maria Bajo Rosco

Salvador García is a journalism student at Rey Juan Carlos University. A year ago he started creating content for his YouTube channel, based on the Santander League.

It all started with a video that he uploaded to the YouTube platform for fun. He realized that in it he could bring together her two passions: soccer and the radio. “When I was 8 or 9 years old, they bought me my first soccer game and I narrated the games,” says Salva García, who was determined to study Journalism to fulfill a dream. In his videos he brings "effort, dedication and enthusiasm", she says. Its content, based on the Santander League, is made up of updated days, new signings and stories related to the world of football.

"I don't take it as a job, because I'm not getting paid yet," says Salva García. Despite this, she spends as much time as she can thinking about, creating and editing her videos. In addition, she performs direct on both the YouTube platform and Twitch. In the first, he says that "the Salva can be seen more seriously, with content prepared." However, in the second, he believes that "it is also adapted content for those people who do not like football". He is very grateful for what he does, and also for what he is achieving, but he thinks that “the world of the Internet is very random and progress is seen day by day”.

The state of alarm was what prompted him to take his channel seriously. Consider that it can serve as a preliminary step to get the position you want. At no time has it been considered to close doors. “I am willing to work in any medium, be it radio, television or the press,” says Salva García. He firmly believes that with dedication he can achieve what he sets out to do, because “if you don't stop insisting and creating things related to what you like, you end up achieving it”.

For those interested, you can visit the following link to learn more about his channel: