The VI Conference "New challenges for journalism: innovation and entrepreneurship" was held at the FCCOM

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The event was held on November 15 at the Quintana Campus. Engagement and media: perspectives and management strategies, con el objetivo de bring students closer to the knowledge of strategies for generating engagement in the context of the media.

The Faculty recently held the VI Conference New challenges for journalism: innovation and entrepreneurship, on this occasion dedicated to Engagement and media: perspectives and management strategies. Journalists Lucía González, deputy director of La Vanguardia, Raquel Quílez, deputy director of news and programs laSexta and responsible for the digital product, and Fermín Elizari, responsible for New Communities of Relief (vocento).

“What it is about is bringing students closer to the knowledge of strategies for generating engagement in the context of the media, addressing audience development, conversation with the audience and its monetization, among other aspects,” he points out. the teacher Gema Alcolea Díaz, from the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication and organizer of the event. “Digitalization has transformed the organizational, technological, financing and product logic – she adds – and it is essential that our students know the rethinking of journalism's relationship with the public as a key to its sustainability.”

The guests shared with students from the Faculty of Communication Sciences their extensive experience in audience development, digital management and development, and content strategy for social networks. They brought them closer to the knowledge of current and future projects in their respective media and in others developed by them previously, such as Verne, HuffPost, Diario Expansión, y and in companies outside the sector, such as Amazon, among others. They put on the table tools for dissemination and community management, active listening and, of course, the application of artificial intelligence also in this context.

This activity has been financed by the XVII Call for Promotion for the Organization of Academic Activities of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

New journalism challenges day 2