Activities of University Extension in the FCS

Posted by miguel lamb

The Faculty of Health Sciences has organized various university extension activities during the month of May


In the first place, the 4th ESO + Company program was carried out between May 6 and 9. Within the framework of this program, eight Secondary Education students completed an educational stay at our faculty. Within this activity, the students visited different laboratories and spaces on our campus such as pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy or movement analysis.


Second, on May 10, the university open days were held on our campus. The attendees received an informative talk about the campus in the auditorium. Next, the attendees were organized into groups according to their interests in order to visit different locations of the faculty, such as the anatomy dissection room, the university clinic, the physiology and histology laboratories or the nursing laboratories.


Last modified on Monday, May 27, 2019 at 11:48