Call for the IX Edition of the Young Entrepreneurial Psychologists Award 2019

Posted by miguel lamb

One more year, PSICOFUNDACIÓN convenes the IX Edition of the Young Entrepreneurial Psychologists Award 2019, with the sponsorship of the Faculty of Psychology of the UNED, the Cardenal Cisneros Higher Education Center, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Camilo José Cela University, TEA Ediciones Y GIUNTIEOS, in collaboration with the General Council of Psychology of Spain and FIAP , given the success and good reception that previous editions have obtained.

The objective of the award is to promote the initiative, creativity and innovation of young psychologists from Spain and from Latin American countries.

The award has two categories: investigative initiative e Business Initiative, with an economic endowment of €3.000 for each category. The deadline for submitting applications is July 31, 2019.

Through the following link you can access the participation bases of the prize: