Find out about hybrid teaching at the Faculty of Health Sciences

Posted by FMR

Classes started on Monday, September 13

El protocol for the 2021-22 academic year defines a hybrid teaching model which contemplates the possibility of face-to-face and remote actions simultaneously

Here you have the information for each grade:

Degrees in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Medicine and Psychology:

  • La theoretical teaching will perform in a hybrid modality (on-site and remote simultaneously). To carry out this action, 13 classrooms have been digitized on the Alcorcón campus and hybrid teaching tutorials in conventional classrooms.
  • In the above grades, the student body will rotate each week, so that, half of the students will receive the teaching in person and the other half will do it remotely, viewing the teacher's class live. The groups will be divided as follows:
    • Group 1 (First turn): All students whose first surname is between A and L
    • Group 2 (Second turn): All students whose first surname is between M and Z
  • The weeks for students to attend in person until December are:
    • First shift group: 13S; 27S; 11O; 25O; 8N; 22N; 6D; 20D
    • Second shift group: 20S; 2O; 18O; 1N; 15N; 29N; 13D
  • La practical teaching and exams They will be 100% face-to-face. 

Dentistry and Pharmacy:

These grades do not exceed the capacity limits of the classrooms established by health regulations. Therefore, all teaching will be taught in person and the rotation system will not be established. 



Last modified on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 06:18