Following an action that had already been carried out in our Faculty in recent years, we resumed the informative seminars on research which is carried out by the teaching staff and research staff of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The objective of these sessions is to make the entire community of our Faculty aware of the different lines of research, promoting environments of scientific debate and facilitating the establishment of possible collaborations between different groups, researchers and students.
The first seminar that we offer you is titled “Research in a motion analysis laboratory”and will be taught by our colleagues Víctor Navarro López and Diego Fernández Vázquez, from the Department of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, who will teach us the research activity carried out at the “Laboratory of Movement Analysis, Biomechanics, Ergonomics and Motor Control” (LAMBECOM: It will be the November 24th from 2023 at 13'00h in the Classroom 004 of Classroom I and will last approximately one hour.
If you are interested in knowing in more detail about the research carried out by your colleagueser@so your teachers in the area of Physiotherapy, you cannot miss this seminar. You can register for the seminar through the following link: FCS INVESTIGATES IN… “A MOTION ANALYSIS LABORATORY”