Lorena González, awarded as the best Twitter thread to represent the URJC in the #HiloTesis contest

Published by Subdirectorate of Communication, Promotion and Sustainable Development of the ESCET


This is a popular science contest in which 50 universities from all over Spain participate, organized by the CRUE in collaboration with the Network for Popularization and Scientific Culture (RedDivulga).


The doctoral student Lorena González Gómez, from the research group in Analytical Chemistry applied to the Environment, Food and Drugs (GQAA-MAF) of the URJC, has been awarded as the best Twitter thread to represent our university in the II Edition of the Contest "Your Doctoral Thesis in a Twitter Thread: #HiloTesis».

In this contest, the young researchers must publish a Twitter thread, with a maximum of 20 tweets, to disclose to society what they do in their research, how they do it and why they do it. In the first phase, the URJC has selected two candidates, one in the general category and the other for research related to inclusion and disability, both endowed with a prize of 100 euros. The second phase, which will be held at the national level, will have three awards in the general category and one in the category of inclusion and disability.

Lorena González is a student in the Doctoral Program in Sciences and a professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology at ESCET. She elaborates her thesis on the development and validation of analytical methodologies that respect the principles of Green Chemistry. These methodologies are based on the use of sustainable sample treatment and analysis techniques with which improvements are achieved in terms of speed, simplicity, low cost and respect for the environment.

In his #HiloTesis tells us how it determines contaminants generated during the processing of cereal-based foods and insects, as well as other natural toxins present in teas and plant infusions, in aromatic herbs, spices, etc., highlighting the importance of controlling these toxic in the field of food safety. This thesis, framed in the promotion of SDGs 2, 3 and 12, is being carried out under the direction of Dr. Isabel Sierra thanks to the funding received in the EVALKALIM and AVANSECAL II projects. 



Last modified on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 11:58 p.m.