URJC students learned about the applicability and professional opportunities of graphic expression and computer-aided design.

Published by Subdirectorate of Communication, Promotion and Sustainable Development of the ESCET

The attendees obtained information about its application in the world of work,  through the experience of professionals from different sectors who use it regularly.

These conferences served to contextualize the subject of Graphic Expression in the business world, from the conceptualization of projects to their implementation.

the conference They were organized by professors from the Department of Chemical, Energy and Mechanical Technology, and sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for University Extension and the Higher School of Experimental Sciences and Technology. In them, various professional opportunities were announced within the area of ​​competence of the attendees, practically all students of different degrees in Engineering that are currently taught at the Rey Juan Carlos University, since the sessions were attended by more than 130 students. , mainly from the first year of different degrees (Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering, Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Degree in Energy Engineering and Degree in Materials Engineering).

The sessions were divided into two sessions to facilitate student attendance and the professional use of representations was addressed, both in three-dimensional modeling for the preparation of parts and in two-dimensional representations for the generation of plans and/or diagrams. 9 speakers from different sectors participated, such as air navigation, aeronautics, energy generation and preparation of emergency plans, with the participation of experts who work both in the public sector (Rey Juan Carlos University, University of Castilla la Mancha, National Institute of Aerospace Technique and Civil Protection of the Moralzarzal City Council) and in the private sector (Siemens - Gamesa, ITP-Aero or Intecsa Industrial).

In the conferences given, the importance of generative design was highlighted, reviewing the state of the art on this subject, describing the different methodologies available. Subsequently, different examples were presented in which 3D printing, known as additive manufacturing, has certain advantages in the assembly lines of assembled parts. The speakers made an evaluation of the applications in this process that can surpass traditional techniques such as milling or molding, since it depends on different factors such as the material required, the functionality and the machinery available, but the appropriate design is key. for successful modelling.

To end the day, a round table related to the current demand of the labor market for experts in this discipline was held. In this debate, the speakers explained their different professional paths and later answered the students' questions regarding the necessary skills that must be acquired to be able to perform future functions in their field of work. 

The students answered a brief questionnaire for each block, and the good reception of the sessions was evident, since more than 90% of the students consider that the topics covered have been interesting, and therefore they would recommend this session to others. companions. Regarding the individual talks, the perception of the students was very positive, valuing all the presentations with at least 7.50 out of 10.



Last modified on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 12:43