passion wells

Posted by ESCET Communication Subdirectorate

Registration for the first Passion Wells seminar of this course is now open at: You can invite acquaintances and friends from outside or inside the URJC. Everybody is invited.

Monday 24 at 17:00 p.m.

Next Monday the 24th we will deal with burning issues such as whether there is a relationship between forced marriage, prostitution or rented wombs, with the micro-lecture by Rita Alarcón from the Commission for the Investigation of Ill-treatment of Women (CIMTM). We will talk about the reproductive and sexual health of women in developing countries with Nerea Roldán, Ser Madre, Ser Mujer, and also how climate change threatens human health and what the Andalusian Health and Environment Observatory recommends to minimize risks.

As a common thread we will use the reading of Romanticism and other constraints, from the series of Wells of passion. You can still join the co-read and earn 1 RAC credit for learning while having fun, sign up at:

Last modified on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 18:57 p.m.