Posted by ESCET Communication Subdirectorate

Five last-year students of the Degrees in Energy, Environmental and Industrial Organization Engineering, under the supervision of three professors from the ESCET Chemical and Environmental Engineering Group, are carrying out their Final Degree Projects (TFG) following the methodology Service-Learning (ApS).

RECICLANDOURJC is a project focused on improving the management of household waste generated on the URJC Móstoles Campus. During the development of their TFG, the participating students are applying the skills and knowledge acquired in the different subjects of the degree to real life situations with the aim of improving the sustainability of the current waste management system on the campus where they study. This ApS project is aligned with the new law on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy (Law 7/2022 of April 8), which promotes the efficient use of resources, contributing to greater sustainability, as well as the implementation of circular economy models, complying with the Sustainable Development goals of the 2030 Agenda (SDGs 4, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13).

In the first place, awareness talks have been carried out applying tools gamification to show how to correctly separate waste according to the new legislation. In addition, an alternative containerization system has been proposed, with the aim of improving the separation at source and implementing the separation of the organic fraction. It has been seen that the fact of eliminating the bins in the classrooms, implanting recycling "islands" in the corridors significantly improves selective collection.

In a second phase, the students are carrying out a technical and economic design of different alternatives for the management of the organic fraction, as well as the design of the process for the energy and material recovery of this waste, quantifying the economic and environmental benefit that it would produce in The Campus.

The results obtained were presented on May 9 at the closing ceremony of the project, with the intervention of all the teachers, students, the Green Office and the URJC Chair of Circular Economy. The work carried out was based on a collaborative work between all the participants with a clear purpose, which is to contribute to the development of educational interventions related to environmental and civic education, taking advantage of the resources that the environment offers us educationally and promoting the development of a job joint and interdisciplinary.