The URJC hosts the CRESCEnt Event: “strategic communication to combat security threats”

Written by Diego Laguia Leon

CRESCEnt is aimed at the university community and all communication professionals who cover information, work or investigate security, defense or justice issues.

With the aim of offering different methods, tools and techniques to be used in the field of strategic communication applied to security threats in Europe, the CRESCEnt event arrives. In turn, the event allows participants to be trained to improve their ability to combat disinformation in areas such as dividing societies or sowing mistrust among other fields.

The session has different sections in which the project will begin by presenting, followed by a demonstration of how to combat disinformation. For this purpose, two journalism professionals specialized in the treatment of disinformation will be present, such as Stéphane M. Grueso from and Borja Díaz-Merry from VerificaRTVE.

On the other hand, CRESCENT has a debate in which the two members mentioned above will have an interesting talk with Antonio Rubio, from the Association of Investigative Journalists. This is moderated by Rubén Arcos Martín, research professor at the Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology at URJC.

Manuel Gertrudix, professor at the URJC and coordinator of the Cibermagno research group, is in charge of closing the event together with Rubén Arcos Martín. Manuel Gertrudix also assures that CRESCEnt is an event that "in order to improve the ability to combat disinformation in these areas, the project has developed a series of resources and tools that allow institutional spokespersons, journalists and journalism students to be trained in this field".

CRESCEnt will take place on May 20 from 17 to 18:30 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University, on the Vicálvaro Campus. Due to the measures taken by the pandemic, the event is held with a capacity of 50 people. For anyone who wants to attend, you need to register and confirm attendance through the following link:

In addition, for those who cannot attend, you have the possibility to access online through the following link:

Last modified on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 11:37