Eva Carneros Cañedo: “I would love to be able to combine photography and journalism”

Written by Laura Maria Bajo Rosco

Eva Carneros has studied Journalism at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Her passion for photography has prompted her to create projects such as “El reel de Eva”.

The interest in photography began from his mobile, when he captured images to keep memories. "I was encouraged to create an account on Instagram thanks to my friends," she confesses. The opportunity to be able to openly share her photographs was another reason that prompted him to create her account, called "Eva's reel". Her only goal is that everyone can enjoy what she captures with her camera wherever she goes.

Since she was a child, she was clear that her passion was to inform, "I have always been told that it was worth it to study Journalism", and she maintains that she would not mind combining both things. “Photojournalism is incredible, you can get both an informative and a creative point of view,” she highlights. Currently, she has finished her degree and assures that she would love to spend more time "not only on photography, but also on editing and creating content on Instagram."

The passion for his hobby has allowed him to train in a self-taught way, although he has also taken a specialized course. Eva Carneros, says that at first she had to put up with criticism about her photographs, but she believes that "it is a subjective world, in which the important thing is to be creative and feel comfortable with what you do", and encourages everyone who He liked me.

For those interested in your project, you can visit the Instagram platform (@elcarretedeeva) at the following link: 

Last modified on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 12:00