New MOOC available at URJC: the fight against misinformation

Posted by Redaction

Free registration open in URJCx for the MOOC Digital Resilience Against Disinformation (DOMINOES)

Misinformation and disinformation are a growing problem that affects citizens, institutions and the general functioning of society.

To combat this phenomenon, we need to develop social resilience that prevents public discourse and debate from being distorted, the credibility of institutions from being undermined, and the functioning of democratic processes from being disrupted. And this is the task of all of us.

The strategies and techniques used in disinformation processes are increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect. As citizens, we must be able to recognize and evaluate misinformation spread in online environments in order to respond appropriately.

El MOOC DOMINOES It will allow you to strengthen your digital resilience to misinformation and improve some of the key competencies defined in the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens.

The challenge of misinformation in this digital age

At the end of this online course you will better understand what disinformation is in the current technological context, how it works, what its impact is and what measures can be taken to combat it.

To do this, DOMINOES provides you with numerous examples, case studies, lessons learned and best practices, simulations and a guide on what still needs to be done and what the biggest challenges are in the fight against disinformation.

We are looking for citizens, students and teachers who are interested in learning more about the current information system and are committed to fighting misinformation.

We need you. It is the duty of each one of us.

Register for free in the MOOC through this link:

The MOOC has been developed in collaboration between the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) – Romania, the Cyberimaginary Research Group of the Rey Juan Carlos University – Spain, the Università ta' Malta and the New Strategic Center – Romania.

It is the result of the DOMINOES project, Digital cOMpetences INformatiOn EcoSystem, a strategic association project within the ERASMUS+ Program AGREEMENT NO. - 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000031158

Last modified on Monday, October 30, 2023 at 08:23