Advertising students from Vicálvaro win the UP Awards! 2023

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The UP! awards, organized by the creUP! initiative, have been awarded.

Four Advertising students from the Vicálvaro campus have won the UP! Awards! of this course, awards promoted by creUP!, the creative talent accelerator coordinated by professors Marta de Miguel and Antonio Baladrón. On this occasion, the students had to solve a brief from the company Natulim, a collaborator in the 2023 edition of the awards.

The first prize goes to the students Valeria Carro and Patricia Ortiz, with a project in which the jury has valued the creativity of the idea, its realistic nature and its suitability to communicate both the format of the product that had to be advertised and the value of sustainability of the Natulim brand. In the second prize, the jury highlighted the strategic concept proposed for the brand by the students Aleksa Frioni and Andrea Jiménez, as well as its coherence with the proposed advertising campaign idea.

Nearly 150 students submitted their proposals for these awards, whose purpose is to promote the creative talent of students at the Rey Juan Carlos University for advertising creativity projects applied to startups operating in the Spanish market. The UP! Awards They are another initiative of creUP! to promote the creative talent of URJC students and encourage them to participate in advertising creativity contests.


Last modified on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 15:32