The Rey Juan Carlos University launches the third edition of the course "Strategic communication to counter security threats in the age of disinformation"

Written by Laura Maria Bajo Rosco

The MOOC, registration for which is now open, is within the framework of the CRESCEnt research project.

The main objective of the course is to increase knowledge in the field of security and defense, as well as the relationship with strategic communication and journalistic information on security threats. Therefore, when encompassing the areas of communication, it is recommended to have prior knowledge.

The classes will be taught by professionals from different institutions such as the "Mihai Viteazul" National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA), the Cyberimaginary Research Group of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Kentro Meleton Asfaleias (KEMEA), the Center for Security Studies and the Ministry of the Interior, Information and Public Relations Directorate (MAI-DIRP) of Romania. The challenge for teachers is to raise awareness about cyber dangers such as misinformation or fake news, previously included in the CRESCEnt project.

Despite being designed for institutional spokespersons, communication and journalism students, it can be followed by anyone with an interest in the field of strategic communication. In addition, it is completely free and online. The first day will take place on June 1 and its duration is five weeks. The follow-up of the course will be at the own pace of each student, through the URJCx platform. For those interested, you can register at the following link: