The evolution of advertising from the past to the present in the Conference organized by teachers of the Faculty of Communication Sciences


 Experts and specialists in the field of advertising will meet next Tuesday, November 16, at “History of Advertising. From the youngest to the oldest”, a conference that will take place in the grading room of the Vicálvaro Campus, designed especially for students of the Degree in Advertising and other degrees related to Communication Sciences.



The sessions are divided into two morning and afternoon sessions. The first will begin at 11,00:XNUMX with the opening ceremony that will be carried out by its organizers: Miguel Baños and Esther Martínez Pastor, dean and vice-dean, respectively, of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and research professors in Advertising. Subsequently, the director of the Advertising Documentation Center, Sergio Álvarez, will offer a seminar entitled "History of advertising told from the beginning",

In the afternoon, starting at 16:30 p.m., the director of the audiovisual production company Abbey will meet at a round table; Santi Pina, advertising creative with more than XNUMX years of experience, Javier Ramirez, account manager in different agencies and one of the most recognized advertising announcers at the national level. All of them will offer their point of view on the changes in advertising in the last half century.

Attendance at all sessions will have an academic recognition of 0,3 ECTS credits and those interested should register through this link, where all the information about the event is also offered.


Last modified on Tuesday, November 09, 2021 at 21:30