Strategy and gender in baroque diplomacy at the URJC


Renowned experts from various Spanish and European universities have participated in this seminar.

Professors Ezequiel Borgognoni, Félix Labrador, Marta I. Sánchez and Laura Perona Professors Ezequiel Borgognoni, Félix Labrador, Marta I. Sánchez and Laura Perona

On Monday, March 4, the I Modern History Seminar "The ways of baroque diplomacy: agents, protocol and strategies", in it Quintana-Madrid Campus. The event was organized by Ezequiel Borgognoni, professor in the area of ​​Modern History of our Faculty, Marta I. Sánchez Vasco, UNED y Laura Perona Guillén, University of Castilla-La Mancha. Exhibitors included professors and researchers from different Spanish, Italian and Polish universities. 

GH1n2sKXAAA1zpdLa inauguration The seminar was led by Professor Félix Labrador Arroyo, Professor of Modern History y director of CINTER-URJC group. Later, there was two thematic sessions. In the first, titled Diplomatic tactics in turbulent times, the presentations were about the different strategies implemented by ambassadors to face contexts of crisis and change during the 17th century. Thus, the cQuestion of relations between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Kingdom of England, Spanish embassy in England in 1660, cultural strategies at the service of diplomacy through the figure of the III Marquis of Balbases and the figure of the Venetian ambassador Alvise Mocenigo in Naples in 1760.

GH1n2sPWcAA7800La second session led by title Diplomacy, power and gender and was focused on political, diplomatic and cultural role that the ambassadors had and in how the protocol served to express the prevailing power relations. The figures of the Countess of Gondomar and the Marchioness of Villars, among others, highlighting their importance in the European diplomatic panorama of the 17th century.

After the presentations there was a intense debate in which the Attendees, among which stood out professors from other universities and students from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. In this way, this first seminar on baroque diplomacy has concluded with great successor, by showing the new avenues of research that the question of the baroque diplomacy of our country offers and the interest that this topic raises among researchers and students.


Last modified on Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 14:20