Activities of the URJC Libraries for Book Day 2024
Today, April 23, Book Day is celebrated, and the URJC campus libraries have different activities planned for all their users.
In the library of Alcorcon campus Two activities have been scheduled in collaboration with the Vice Dean of University Extension-FCS:
- Donate or exchange books at the Alcorcón campus library from April 22 to 26. The motto is “Give your books a second life.”
- Recommend books. Write a post on X (Twitter), mentioning the Faculty @URJCFCS, recommending a book that you liked, with the hashtag #23abrilFCS. There will be a draw among all the recommendations.
In the library of Aranjuez campus They give you a book! They have placed a cart with second-hand books at the entrance of the library so that visitors can take those that are of interest to them.
In the library of campus of Fuenlabrada the project will be presentedBibliostories: stories in your library”, in the Palmeras room at 17 p.m. In addition, they have placed two points of interest (in the lobby and on the spiral stairs on the ground floor) with a selection of novels and essays from their leisure collection. And, following the motto of the Ministry of Culture for this year, “I live by telling and I tell by living, fiction is an essential part of existence”, by Luis Mateo Díez (Cervantes Prize 2023), they propose the following activity:
- What book would you say has “told you the most”? Upload your photo of the book cover to social networks and #loslibrosmecuentanburjc
- Are there so many that you don't know which one to choose? Upload a “shelfie” from your bookshelf with #loslibrosmecuentanburjc
In the library of Madrid campus They have prepared a point of interest to celebrate this day with novels about bookstores, libraries, books, readers and readings.
In the library of Mostoles campus celebrate Book Day with a point of interest, this year with the poster designed by Luci Gutiérrez, National Illustration Prize 2023 and which is inspired by a phrase by Luís Mateo Díez, Cervantes Prize 2023: "I live by telling and I tell by living, fiction It is an essential part of existence."
This activity is part of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4: Guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
This activity is part of Sustainable Development Goal No. 12: Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns.
This activity is part of Sustainable Development Goal No. 13: Adopt urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects