One of the aims of Rey Juan Carlos University is to contribute to productive development and social welfare by transferring knowledge and technology through the establishment of collaboration channels with different productive sectors, companies and public or private institutions, through agreements, contracts, both in a national and international environment. In a complementary way, the external internships that students have to carry out in companies related to their field of study are an unbeatable channel for companies to meet new talents that will soon be part of the labor market.

The Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering teaches various degrees related to computer science, mathematics, cybersecurity and video game development. And its professors are researchers of recognized prestige in these areas of knowledge. This human capital has allowed fruitful collaborations to be established between its members from the most important companies in its environment. 

The possible ways of collaboration between companies and the ETSII are specifically described below:

  • Student internships in companies
  • Employment exchange for graduates
  • ETSII JobDays: Professional Development Day
  • Final Degree Projects in collaboration with companies
  • Services offered by research groups to companies

Student internships in companies

Students of computer science, mathematics, cybersecurity and video game development degrees have to carry out internships related to their studies in any type of public or private institution. These internships, officially called "external internships" are training activities carried out with the aim of completing their training academic and bring them closer to the reality of the professional field in which they will carry out their activity once they have graduated.

Companies obtain several benefits when students carry out internships in them:

  • After a period of learning and adaptation, the students contribute with their work to the achievement of the company's objectives.
  • The internship period is used by many companies as a trial period to discover the skills of a future employee, without, of course, carrying out these internships implying any subsequent work commitment. However, many interns end up being hired by the company where they did the internship.

The practices will be developed according to the following aspects:

  • Duration: The minimum duration will be 350 hours (approximately 9 weeks full time). If agreed by both the student and the company, the internship may be extended up to a total of 900 hours (approximately 22 weeks, slightly less than 6 months, full time).
  • Remuneration: Given its nature academic and formative the students do not receive remuneration for carrying out the practices. However, the company may offer compensation economic to the student as a study aid for the expenses that could be generated due to travel, maintenance or any other concept. This aspect will make the offer more attractive to the student. 

If a company is interested in having ETSII students carry out their internships there, they must enter into a collaboration agreement with the university (a very simple online procedure). Subsequently, the company will publish one or more internship offers on a web portal. The students will enroll in the offer and the company will be able to make a selection among the candidates. 

For any questions related to the profile of the students or the tasks that the companies can carry out, you can contact the internship managers of the different degrees:

More information on the regulations and the signing of the agreement

Employment exchange for graduates

In order to facilitate the employability of our graduates, the Rey Juan Carlos University has a Job Exchange service. Companies will be able to publish their offers and manage their selection processes through the platform offered by the University.

To publish a job offer, the company will only have to register on the web platform.

More information about the job market

ETSII Job Days: Professional development days

The ETSII annually organizes events, the ETSII Job Days, in which companies present themselves to students to recruit talent. This 2024, dozens of companies will attend the ETSII employment forum after the success achieved in the past two editions.

The ETSII Job Days will be held during the days February 6 and 7, 2023 in completely in-person format. Companies participate and interact with our students through the placement of stands, where students will be able to ask and be interested in the possibilities of job placement in each of them. Likewise, we will also have a spectacular round table aimed at public employment.

The venue will be Lecture Hall I of the Móstoles Campus. The Hours will be from 9 a.m. to 15 p.m..

ETSII JobDays 2023 Poster


Final Degree Projects in collaboration with companies

Students could carry out their Final Degree Project in collaboration with an external company. You can check here the regulations for the development of TFGs of the ETSII.

In order for a company to collaborate in the completion of a student's TFG, it will have to sign a Collaboration agreement in which the conditions of the same are specified.

Services offered by research groups to companies

One of the objectives of the universities is "the dissemination, valorization and transfer of knowledge at the service of culture, the quality of life, and economic development." To achieve this objective, there are various mechanisms that allow researchers to participate in innovation and the transfer of knowledge to companies in their environment.