
The director of the School, together with the deputy director of Quality and Study Plans, are the most responsible for the deployment, maintenance and updating of the School's Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGC), which extends and is part of the SIGC of the University.  This system is the guarantor of quality for all Stakeholders, at all levels of the institution. It is a sign of its importance that for the implementation of new bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, the Royal Decrees 822/2021 y 99/2011, require that they have an implemented IACS, the design of which is evaluated in the verification phase. 

Quality Policy and Objectives

The Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering (ETSII) has a commitment to quality that extends to all its areas, from teaching to research, through the provision of services to society. The School is firmly committed to the continuous improvement of our PDI, as well as to the adaptation of material and training resources to the needs of our students. Furthermore, we recognize and assume our role in society and its business fabric and this is reflected in recurring activities that put our students and teachers in contact with companies, schools and institutions every year.

Quality Objectives

The School assumes as its own the University's Quality Policy, as well as its general Quality Objectives. Within this framework, the School specifies and establishes the following Quality Objectives:

  1. Obtain certification from the Faculty's Quality Assurance System with a view to requesting Institutional Accreditation of the Center, and thereby gain autonomy in managing the development of our teachings.

  2. Provide the PDI with support through means and resources that help improve their research profile.

  3. Improve the material resources and spaces available for teaching and research, always from a sustainable perspective.

  4. Increase the internationalization and international presence of the School, creating an attractive teaching offer and promoting the mobility of students and PDI.

  5. Maintain an active presence in the pre-university training stages, to improve the orientation of future students: Classroom, activities in schools, institutes and vocational training centers, etc.

  6. Improve attention to diversity, promoting inclusion and creating spaces that promote equal access to opportunities, eliminating discrimination.

  7. Strengthen the ties of the School with society and companies, putting students in contact with companies and institutions from the early stages of their training, through extracurricular activities. [Activity summary].

  8. Increase communication channels with graduates and employers, with the aim of aligning our teaching offer and promoting subsequent continuous learning, appropriate to the training needs of society.

Interest groups

The groups whose interests our IACS protects are the following:



Due to its entry profile, this group includes both students who begin their university years at ETSII, as well as those who seek to complete their training, either by transferring, or by beginning their master's studies. In this sense, the IACS will pay special attention to the following aspects:

  • Material and human means for training.
  • Quality of the training received, accreditation and homologation of the study plans.
  • Extracurricular activities and participation in university life
  • Administrative procedures, scholarships and aid
  • Facilitate entrepreneurship and incorporation into a professional career


The School, in collaboration with the University, will seek the maximum guarantees of quality and continuous improvement of the teaching and research staff. To achieve this, it has programs such as Docentia and ongoing training courses for teachers. Likewise, each year actions are carried out within the framework of our own R&D programs, which allow us to improve the research profile of our teachers, increasing the material and financial means and their dedication to research.


The technical, management, and administration and services personnel are the basis of most of the University's procedures and services. So that they can carry out their work, the improvement of their professional quality will be guaranteed, as well as the necessary means to carry out their work. Their participation in the quality commissions will be particularly necessary in those matters that concern the management of laboratories and practices, administrative procedures and the management of scientific services and equipment.

Research Staff and Research Groups

ETSII's research activity covers a high percentage of the University and this group is of great importance for the School, as reflected by the existence of a Research Subdirectorate. This group covers personnel made up of employees specifically hired to carry out research, transfer and innovation tasks, either in research groups, collaborating directly with PDI or in other related structures, such as research centers or research institutes. 

Trade unions

Workers' organizations formed to promote the interests of their members with respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions. They have distribution capacity in the usual information channels and are represented in the University's SIGC with direct representation in the quality commission of the DOCENTIA program and in the joint training tables of the PDI and the PTGAS.



Potential students and families

Our School strives to deliver our training offer through educational fairs (AULA), training sessions, open days, presence in secondary education centers, etc. There is information both on the website of each title, and on the URJC orientation website 


Our School maintains a relationship with already graduated students, through social networks and by collecting annual information through surveys. This information is taken into account when modifying and developing study plans. This information is one of the bases for improving degrees, as well as for adapting the training offer in postgraduate programs.

Companies and Public Institutions

Companies and public institutions are the destination of our graduates and as such, they are part of the organization of our teaching, through external internship programs and the associated PDI, but also in the creation of new study programs and the adaptation from training plans to current work reality. ETSII and the University promote the important role of the PDI in the transfer of technology and scientific knowledge to companies, as well as the support and guidance of our students for entrepreneurship and the creation of emerging companies.


Our role in society as a School motivates our teaching, scientific and cultural work. Based on this service, the School extends its ordinary activity with active participation in the social and cultural life of the Community and its closest environment (Town Halls), being part and organizer of events such as Science Week, or the day of Pi.


Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGC)


Our center extends and adapts the internal quality assurance system of the King Juan Carlos University, which is aimed at continuous improvement in teaching and promoting a culture of excellence. This system is supported by the evaluation of objective quality indicators, as well as procedures that increase the flow of information and transparency in the results.


The School has adopted a series of its own coordination actions, both horizontal and vertical, that allow the extraction and capture of teaching needs, both training and material. These procedures are included in the manual of actions and procedures. Every year, the analysis of all the data collected through the coordination meetings, the survey system (PGRI), as well as the improvement actions agreed upon by each CGCT are included in the annual monitoring report of the degrees and the center. academic course.

  • Quality Seals and Recognitions

      The stamp Euro-Inf is a quality seal awarded by the prestigious European association EQANIE. In Spain, this seal is granted by ANECA as an authorized agency, and indicates that the bachelor's or master's degree in computer science has been evaluated and complies with a series of standards contemplated in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) on quality, transparency, relevance, recognition and mobility. This seal ensures international recognition of the quality of our training, certifying that the program's skills training is comparable to that of other EHEA countries, facilitating academic mobility to other institutions and providing added employability value to our graduates.  

      Currently the following grades have seals in force:

      • Degree in Computer Engineering (Since 2020).
      • Degree in Software Engineering (Since 2020).
      • Degree in Computer Engineering (Since 2020).

      EURO_INF_SEAL           ANECA



  • Improvement activities and actions
  • Monitoring of extracurricular activities and relationships with students, society and companies. [Summary]
  • The center and degree commissions carry out special monitoring and promotion of those extracurricular activities that can positively affect the improvement indicators identified for the various interest groups: PDI, PAS, students, society and companies: employment fairs (ETSII Job Days ), cultural science week, activities in schools, game jams, hackathons, etc. The attached document contains a list of the activities carried out in the last course.

  • Current improvement actions:


    1. Promote, through framework agreements with institutions, the mobility of students abroad.
    2. Facilitate the completion of Final Degree Projects in the context of international mobility programs.
    3. Review and complete the center's IACS to achieve the SISCAL criteria necessary to obtain certification.
    4. Analyze surveys and modify current questions to obtain information on the causes of dropout.
    5. Increase the sample size of surveys carried out by external internship tutors, consolidate the current increase in participation of the rest of the groups (PDI, PAS, Students).
    6. Establish work groups by degree to detect and propose modifications to the study plan and subject contents necessary to improve indicators. This action will be carried out in three annual phases: Study and proposal, implementation and review of affected indicators.
    7. Continue with the design of “information pills” for students in video format.
    8. Improve student satisfaction with the guidance and support from the direction of each degree.

Quality Assurance Commissions


  • Current composition CGCC Center [pdf]
  • It meets at least twice each course:
    • The first up to two months after the first CGCT of the course that begins.
    • The second, in the second quarter, at most one month after the last CGCT meeting.
  • In this committee, in addition to analyzing and approving the center's annual monitoring report, the teaching guides for the subjects common to the center and the same area will be analyzed in particular, as well as the monitoring of improvement actions and the evaluation of the IACS itself. , At least once a year.


  • Current composition by CGCT degrees [pdf]
  • It meets at least twice each course:
    • The first, within one business month from the start of the course.
    • The second after the end of the first semester, when the PGRI of the previous year has finished and the data is available.
  • In addition to approving the annual monitoring report for each degree, vertical and horizontal coordination reports will be monitored and analyzed between teachers and with student representatives.


  • All the minutes of the quality assurance commission meetings are available for PDI, PAS and representatives of students and companies, in the private communication space of the ETSII (ESCO).[Access]


Estimated date Event Activity description
February March CGC Degrees After the end of the first semester, when the PGRI of the previous year has finished and the data is available. The annual title report is approved
Mar-Apr CGC ETSII  Second semester, a maximum of one month after the last CGCT. The center's annual report is approved
Oct CGC Degrees It meets in one business month from the start of the course. Information and improvement actions are reviewed.
Oct-Dec CGC ETSII  In the first quarter, a maximum of two months after the last CGCT. The quality policy and objectives are reviewed.
At the end of each semester Coordinators and Delegates Meeting Meetings with student representatives. Delegates fill out one form per subject.
On demand, at least biennially Horizontal Coordination Meeting Coordinate the contents between the subjects of the degree. Every quarter, midterm dates are reviewed.
On demand, at least biennially Vertical Coordination Meeting  Coordinate the contents and dependencies between the subjects of different courses, by areas of knowledge.
At the end of each semester OA, coordinators and teachers Analyze the progress of the quarter. Information is previously collected from all teachers (forms).


For any suggestion and/or complaint related to the different university services related to the School, you can start the procedure at the electronic office, directing the letter to the ETSII and we will contact you via email.

Informational queries or queries related to the academic procedures of URJC students must be made through the Student Help Mailbox (https://ayuda.urjc.es), indicating the reason for the consultation and the department to which they are directed.

This system is independent of the actions of the College Defender and its objective is to channel those issues related to quality management and the improvement of the public service provided by the university. The presentation of a complaint or suggestion will not imply the beginning of an administrative procedure nor will it interrupt the deadlines established in current regulations:

  • A suggestion is the contribution of ideas or initiatives related to our actions that contribute to improving the quality of the service provided.
  • A complaint is the expression of dissatisfaction with some of our actions/services.

If the communication received is a general query, the request will be sent to the interested party within the maximum period established by law. If it is a private query, it will be transferred to the service that must answer it, so that it can contact the interested party.