DEGREE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING science Degree in Computer Engineering

The training offered in the Computer Engineering Degree covers the basic fundamentals of Computer Engineering and computer science, especially those related to the design of algorithms and data structures. Special emphasis is also placed on programming, studying different languages ​​and tools, as well as the latest trends in advanced programming: concurrent, functional, logic, etc. This degree allows the student to also train in innovative areas such as artificial intelligence and artificial vision.

In the following links, you can find more information about the Degree.

Euro-Inf quality seal

Euro-Inf stamp


The Degree in Computer Engineering has been recognized with the Euro-Inf quality seal in May 2020. Euro-Inf is an International Quality Seal (SIC) for the university academic field, promoted by EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education), and developed in Spain by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), autonomous body, attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. More information in the notice of your grant.

Dependencies between subjects

The subjects are ordered from left to right in columns according to course and semester: first semester of first year, second semester of first year, … and so on.

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Unit Subjects GII

Software used

Different types of software are used in the degree studies, with free or commercial licenses. Students, thanks to the myApps system, can access this software from home using remote desktops. 

The Justinmind It is used free for educational purposes.