• 2017cover Presentation
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The ETSII collaborates with the II Computer Olympiad in Madrid

The Madrid Computer Olympiad is a programming contest aimed at students of ESO, Baccalaureate or an Intermediate Cycle of Professional Training in the Community of Madrid. The second edition will be held next February 19 of 2022. 

SensibilizaTIC 3.0 Conference (September 28)

The SensibilizaTIC 3.0 conferences aim to disseminate innovative experiences that are being carried out in the field of technology and inclusion. During these Conferences, attendees will be able to learn about different technological initiatives aimed at various groups with special needs. Topics such as alternative and augmentative communication systems, how to develop accessible web pages or applications, application customization, accessible video games, or virtual reality experiences, among others, will be discussed.

Start of the 2021-22 academic year at the ETSII

We are at the gates of September and the 2021/22 course. In this article we remind you of the relevant information about the start of the course and the most important dates

Raise awareness of ICT 2.0 (March 16)

These Conferences aim to disseminate innovative experiences that are being carried out in the field of technology and inclusion.

SensibilizaTIC Conference: Innovative experiences in technology and inclusion

Days Sensitizes ICT They aim to disseminate innovative experiences that are being carried out in the field of technology and inclusion throughout Spain. During these Conferences, attendees will be able to learn about different technological initiatives aimed at various groups with special needs. Topics such as alternative and augmentative communication systems, how to develop accessible web pages or applications, application customization, accessible video games, or virtual reality experiences, among others, will be discussed.

An ETSII TFG creates the web page to consult the data of the CAT weather station

For a few weeks, the CAT has had a website to quickly, comfortably and efficiently consult all the information from the meteorological and radiometric stations on the Móstoles campus. This website has been developed as a Final Project for the ETSII Software Engineering Degree.

Welcome Days for new ETSII students

Between September 15 and 24, the Welcome Days were held for new ETSII students, who are now beginning their university stage. 


Teaching activity at the ETSII in the 2020/21 academic year

Due to the health restrictions caused by COVID-19, the 2020-21 academic year, Rey Juan Carlos University will follow a mixed model that combines face-to-face activities with remote activities.

In the degrees of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering (ETSII), the teaching activity will be carried out mainly remotely during class hours. But some activities can be carried out in person.