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Environmental commitment

The URJC is aware of the magnitude of the environmental crisis, and the importance of actively contributing to environmental sustainability in all its dimensions, from our lifestyle to the development of teaching, research and the management of our campuses, as contemplate the Strategic Plan 2020-2025 (approved by the Government Council on June 26, 2020) in its Objective 10.

To give shape to this objective of the Strategic Plan linked to University Social Responsibility, the URJC-2030 Project with the intention of integrating the 2030 Agenda into teaching, research, knowledge transfer and university management activities.

URJC Sustainability Policy (action plan approved by the Governing Council on September 29, 2023).

Institutional declaration on the climate emergency (approved by the Governing Council on October 27, 2023).

To incorporate sustainability criteria and reduce the environmental impact of its activity, the URJC has two main actors in its organic structure: the Green Office and the Energy Efficiency Unit (UNEFE), in charge of advising, training, providing solutions and monitoring. to these, although it is the entire University Community that is involved in achieving these objectives in a co-responsible manner.

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Lines of action


Water is the natural element that makes the Earth a habitable planet. It allowed the emergence of life and maintains the correct functioning of the biological processes of ecosystems. The hydrological cycle is of great importance for natural ecosystems and climate regulation. We find ourselves in a climate scenario where the decrease in precipitation, the increase in temperatures, and the recurrence and intensity of extreme events are generating serious effects on the availability of water. Hence the urgency of sustainable management of its consumption. The URJC, aware of the need to take care of water, is developing policies that allow us to optimize its consumption.

The water management policy at the URJC is proposed with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. In addition, its link is established both to the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and to the URJC 2030 Project. Waste management, focused with a perspective of responsible use and reduction of environmental impact and costs, directly promotes the scope of SDGs 1 to 6. , 11, 12, 14, 15 and indirectly to the remaining SDGs.

Actions to promote responsible use of water al Agua

Training and research on topics related to Water

If you want to receive more information or have any questions or suggestions, please contact us through our 'green mailbox': 

Energy efficiency

UNEFE activities report 2023

In 2015, the Energy Efficiency Unit (hereinafter, UNEFE) was approved by the Governing Council of the Rey Juan Carlos University (hereinafter, URJC) on September 25. UNEFE carries out a fundamental activity in the implementation of the Energy Management System in the Móstoles and Fuenlabrada Campuses, without relegating control of the rest of the buildings that make up the University, whose main objective is to reduce the significant energy consumption of said campus, increasing the efficiency of energy use and the consequent reduction in energy costs, taking into account the comfort of users. Years ago, there was the Energy Efficiency Commission which was absorbed into the UNEFE.

UNEFE, as Energy Manager of the buildings belonging to the University, made up of more than 50 buildings spread over 5 campuses (Móstoles, Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada, Vicálvaro and Aranjuez) and 2 buildings in the center of Madrid (Manuel Becerra and Quintana-Ferraz ), has a cross-cutting nature, and has full powers in matters of energy efficiency, collaborating directly in the coordination and technical management of all the actions that are carried out in this matter on the University campuses, through its Bodies. of government. Functionally, it depends on the Office of the Vice President for Innovation and Transfer and the Office of the Vice President for Infrastructures at the University.

Among the functions carried out by this Unit, it is worth mentioning: monitoring of energy consumption, performance of energy audits, audits of the management system, and the proposal of actions to improve the use of energy, including aspects of energy efficiency in construction and modification of facilities. All of this on the Móstoles and Fuenlabrada campuses.

At the Alcorcón and Vicálvaro Campuses, energy audits have been carried out in order to comply with Royal Decree 56/2016, which have been registered in the Community of Madrid, and to advance the necessary actions for their future inclusion in the System.

One of the main achievements was obtaining, in 2014, the "Certificate of the Energy Management System - ISO 50001" at the Móstoles Campus of the Rey Juan Carlos University. In 2017, the Certificate was extended to include the Fuenlabrada campus, which has made it possible to give greater visibility, both internally and externally, to all the actions aimed at saving and energy efficiency that have been carried out at the University since the year 2011.

For more information visit the website of the UNEFE

Waste management

Waste management is a great challenge in today's world. The Rey Juan Carlos University, aware of this, makes great efforts to carry out sustainable management of these. For this reason, in the Sustainable Waste Management Plan (PGSR) two major objectives have been set: reducing the waste generated, under the premise “the best waste is the one that is not generated” and carrying out correct management of the waste that is finally generated. generated by promoting the transition towards the circular economy.

The URJC Sustainable Waste Management policy is proposed with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Its link to the URJC 2030 Project is established, and to the University's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Waste management, focused on a circular economy perspective and reduction of environmental impact and costs, directly promotes the achievement of SDGs 4, 6, 7, 8, 11,12, 14 and indirectly the remaining SDGs.

Actions associated with Waste Management

Actions to promote correct waste management

Training and research in sustainable waste management

If you want to receive more information or have any questions or suggestions, please contact us through our 'green mailbox':

Green Infrastructures and Biodiversity

La green and blue infrastructure It is the set of interconnected natural and semi-natural areas that together provide multiple environmental services, such as atmospheric decontamination, la temperature regulation, or the runoff regulation and erosion when it rains, among others benefits. The role of biodiversity It is essential for the proper functioning of these environmental services. Therefore, fenhance urban biodiversity improves the quality of the environment, contributes to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change and generates well-being.

On the campuses of the URJC, the Parkland They play a crucial role as habitat for many species. To improve their condition and promote biodiversity in them, it is essential to implement a Sustainable management. This line of action is mainly linked to SDGs 2, 11, 13, 14 and 15.

Actions in Sustainable management of green infrastructure and biodiversity conservation

Training and research on topics related to green infrastructure and biodiversity

If you want to study an official degree related to biodiversity, in addition to the Biology Degree and master's degrees in Biodiversity conservation techniques and in Ecosystem restoration (interuniversity), you have several interesting options among URJC engineering, the degrees in Science and Degree in Landscaping.

Some research projects:

Sustainable mobility

The URJC has among its objectives the reduction of the environmental impact generated by the mobility and transportation of the entire university community (students, workers, external services, etc.). For this reason, the Sustainable Mobility Plan 2024-2028 has set the objective of promoting alternative modes to the private motorized vehicle, which allow us to reduce our carbon footprint in internal and external travel.

Actions associated with Sustainable Mobility

Training and research in Sustainable Mobility

  • The RAC Course 'Sustainability: Criteria and Decision Making' (1 ECTS) incorporates a module where students can calculate their ecological footprint and how sustainable their travel is, among other aspects of daily life. Register and you can complete the survey yourself here, whether you are a student or worker at the URJC.
  • If you are interested in what role transportation plays in sustainable development, and how we will move in a few years, the Free MOOC course 'Smart transportation for a sustainable future' It will help you know more about all of it.
  • If you want to study an official qualification related, although not exclusively, to Sustainable Mobility, among the URJC engineering You have several interesting options.
  • Research on Sustainable fuels to decarbonise aviation

Sustainability in university teaching

Universities have always had the social responsibility of training future professionals in values, whatever their profile. However, given the enormous economic, social and environmental challenges of today, Royal Decree 822/2021 and Organic Law 2/2023 of the University System (LOSU) have established the obligation to include democratic principles and values ​​and the Objectives of Sustainable Development (SDG) in all university education. The URJC contemplates these objectives within its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and its URJC-2030 Project (Actions A 5.1.5 and 6.1.4).

Long before the aforementioned regulations, several universities, including the URJC, began to work together on this challenge, within the CRUE-Sustainability Commission of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).

CRUE's 'Sustainability in university teaching' working group is made up of 19 Spanish universities, and holds regular meetings to share difficulties and develop general criteria, joint initiatives and results reports. You can find some of these documents in the Links of Interest section.

How to train in sustainability at the university?

The concept of sustainability does not only refer to the environment, and incorporating it into the university goes far beyond introducing specific subjects for students. Something is sustainable when it does not harm the natural balance, but is also economically viable and socially equitable. For a university to be more sustainable in all its areas (training, research, management, leadership, etc.), its entire community must be involved: management team, representative bodies, workers and students.

Actions associated with Sustainability Training

For students:

For teachers:

  • El Teacher Training Plan The URJC offers a wide variety of courses for teachers, such as the 'Basic course for the introduction of sustainability in university teaching'.
  • Self-diagnosis questionnaire for university teachers, from the CRUE 'Sustainability in university teaching' working group. It addresses different dimensions: competencies, methodology, evaluation, etc. We encourage you to answer it, it will only take you a few minutes and you will receive some guidance on how to integrate sustainability into your subjects.
  • In the Bank of Good Teaching Practices From the Center for Teaching Innovation and Digital Education (CIED) you can find inspiring activities developed by your colleagues.
  • In the Unlimited Learning Ecosystem At the URJC there are countless resources related to sustainability (courses, ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts).
  • La Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS) It brings together universities, public administrations, companies and civil society, with the mission of supporting the dissemination and implementation of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs. On their website you can find a large number of resources (publications, online courses, etc.)


  • El PTGAS Training Plan The URJC also offers several courses related to sustainability for technical, management and administration and services staff, such as 'Introduction of sustainability in University Management', 'Equality and inclusion in the university', 'Data management with gender perspective', etc.

Open courses (MOOC courses and other educational resources):

If you want to know more about the URJC2030 Project, University Social Responsibility and all the services and activities we carry out, visit our website and follow us on social networks.

https://twitter.com/rsu_urjc    https://www.instagram.com/rsu_urjc

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