University Senate
The University Senate is the highest representative body of the University Community. As such, it is responsible for supervising and controlling the management of the University, as well as defining the general lines of action in the different areas of university life. (Art. 37 Statutes)
government council
The Governing Council is the collegiate governing body of the University.
ex officio members
The Rector, who will preside over it, the Secretary General and the Manager.
- Mr. Javier Ramos López
- Mrs. Lourdes Meléndez Morillo-Velarde
General Manager
- Mr. Teodoro Conde Minaya
Members appointed by the Rector
- Mr. Carlos Cuesta Quintero, Vice-rector of Teaching Staff
- Mrs. M.ª Isabel Martínez Moreno, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization
- Ms. Almudena López López, Vice-Rector for Students
- Mr. Fernando García Muiña, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Transfer
- Mr. Luis Cayuela Delgado, Vice Chancellor of Postgraduate Studies
- Mrs. María Luisa Humanes Humanes, Vice-rector of International Relations
- Mr. Dionisio de Haro Romero, Vice-Rector for Continuing Education
- Ms. Mercedes del Hoyo Hurtado, Vice-rector of Campus Community, Culture and Sports
- Mr. Andrés Martínez Fernández, Vice Chancellor of Quality and Strategy
- Mr. Adrian Escudero Alcantara
- Mr. Carlos Guijarro Herráiz
- Mr. Javier Guillen Caramés
- Mrs. Visitación López-Miranda González
- Mr. Jorge Sainz González
- D. Aristides Jorge Viera González
Members elected by the faculty
- Mrs. Alicia Cándida Blanco González
- Mr. César Cáceres Taladriz.
- Mr. Cástor M. Díaz Barrado
- Mrs. Gloria Gómez-Escalonilla Moreno
- Mr. Francisco Mercado Romero
- Mr. Eduardo Morgado Reyes
- Ms. Araceli Rodríguez Mateos
- Mrs. Ana María Sánchez Álvarez
- Mrs. María Aránzazu Hervás Escobar
- Mrs. María Orfila del Hoyo
- Mr. Pablo Castillo Díaz
- Mrs. Regina Costilla Legaz
- Mrs. María Merlo Moneo
- Ms. Paula García Mané
- Ms. María Llanos Garrido Talavera
- Mrs. María Antonia Liberal Liberal
Deans and School Directors
- Mr. Miguel Cuerdo Mir, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences
- Mr. Fernando Del Villar Álvarez, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Mrs. María Teresa Enciso Alonso-Muñumer, Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences
- Mr. Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Humanities
- Mr. Carlos Goicoechea García, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
- Mr. Rafael Gómez Alonso Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences
- Mr. Abraham Duarte Muñoz, Director of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering
- Mr. Francisco Javier Simó Reigadas, Director of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering
- Mr. Alejandro Ureña Fernández, Director of the Higher School of Experimental Sciences and Technology
Department Directors
- Mr. Jesús Maria Arsuaga Ferreras, Dtor. of the Department of Educational Sciences, Languages, Culture and Arts, CC. Historical-Legal and Humanistic and Modern Languages.
- Mr. Pablo Chico de la Cámara, Dtor. of the Department of Public Law I and Political Science.teams
- Mrs. Susana María García Moreno, Director. of the Department of Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis.
- Mr. Ángel Gil de Miguel, Dtor. of the Department of Medical Specialties and Public Health.
- Mrs. Silvia González Prolongo, Director. of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Materials Science and Engineering and Electronic Technology
- Mrs. Julia Ropero Carrasco, Director. of the Department of Public Law II.
- Mrs. Almudena Sierra Alonso, Director. of the Department of Computer Science, Computer Architecture, Computer Languages and Systems and Statistics and Operations Research.
- Mrs. Piedad Tolmos Rodríguez-Piñero, Dtora. of the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting.
Members of the Social Council
- Mr. Amancio López Seijas
- Mr. Second of Pablo Alonso
Invited to the Governing Council
- Mrs. Carmen Castell Díaz
- D. Antonio Garcia Marques
- Mr. Diego Luelmo Alonso
- Mrs. Sara Núñez De Prado Clavell
In order to provide the university community with timely knowledge of the agreements and decisions adopted by the University Governing Council, a summary of the agreements will be published on the website at the end of each meeting.
Agreements of the Governing Council 2024
Governing Council of July 19, 2024
Governing Council of June 21, 2024
Council of Government of June 12, 2024. Extraordinary session
Council of Government of May 17, 2024. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of May 17, 2024
Council of Government of April 19, 2024
Council of Government of April 10, 2024. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2023
Governing Council of December 19, 2023
Governing Council of November 24, 2023
Council of Government of October 27, 2023
Governing Council of September 29, 2023
Governing Council of July 27, 2023
Governing Council of June 28, 2023
Council of Government of June 16, 2023. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of May 26, 2023
Council of Government of April 28, 2023
Governing Council of March 30, 2023
Council of Government of March 17, 2023. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of February 10, 2023
Governing Council of January 25, 2023. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2022
Governing Council of December 22, 2022
Governing Council of December 02, 2022
Governing Council of November 04, 2022
Council of Government of October 19, 2022. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of September 30, 2022
Governing Council of July 28, 2022
Government Council of July 8, 2022. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of June 24, 2022
Council of Government of June 3, 2022. Extraordinary session
Council of Government of May 23, 2022. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of May 6, 2022
Council of Government of April 1, 2022
Council of Government of March 21, 2022. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of March 4, 2022
Council of Government of February 21, 2022. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2021
Governing Council of December 17, 2021
Governing Council of November 5, 2021
Council of Government of October 19, 2021. Extraordinary session
Council of Government of October 4, 2021. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of September 24, 2021
Governing Council of July 22, 2021
Government Council of July 6, 2021. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of June 25, 2021
Governing Council of May 27, 2021
Council of Government of February 2, 2021. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2020
Governing Council of December 18, 2020
Governing Council of November 26, 2020. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of November 13, 2020
Council of Government of October 6, 2020. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of September 25, 2020
Council of Government of September 17, 2020. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of July 24, 2020
Government Council of July 14, 2020. Extraordinary session
Governing Council of June 26, 2020
Council of Government of April 17, 2020. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2019
Governing Council of December 20, 2019
Governing Council of November 29, 2019
Council of Government of October 25, 2019
Governing Council of September 27, 2019
Governing Council of July 19, 2019
Governing Council of June 28, 2019
Governing Council of June 7, 2019
Governing Council of March 29, 2019
Council of Government of February 22, 2019. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2018
Governing Council of December 14, 2018
Council of Government of October 26, 2018
Governing Council of September 21, 2018
Governing Council of July 20, 2018
Governing Council of June 22, 2018
Governing Council of May 25, 2018
Council of Government of April 24, 2018. Extraordinary session
Agreements of the Governing Council 2017
Governing Council of December 15, 2017
Council of Government of October 27, 2017
Governing Council (extraordinary session) of October 06, 2017
Governing Council of July 27, 2017
Governing Council of June 23, 2017
Governing Council of May 26, 2017
Council of Government of April 28, 2017
Agreements of the Governing Council 2016
Governing Council of December 20, 2016
Governing Council of November 25, 2016
Council of Government of October 28, 2016
Governing Council of September 30, 2016
Governing Council of July 22, 2016
Governing Council of June 24, 2016
Governing Council of May 27, 2016
Agreements of the Governing Council 2015
Governing Council of December 22, 2015
Governing Council of November 27, 2015
Council of Government of October 30, 2015
Governing Council of September 25, 2015
Governing Council of July 24, 2015
Governing Council of May 29, 2015
Council of Government of April 28, 2015
Governing Council of March 27, 2015
Agreements of the Governing Council 2014
Governing Council of January 22, 2014
Governing Council of February 28, 2014
Governing Council of March 28, 2014
Council of Government of April 25, 2014
Governing Council of June 25, 2014
Governing Council of July 24, 2014
Governing Council of September 26, 2014
Conventions Commission
Regulations for the supervision and approval of the agreements of the Rey Juan Carlos University
General Action Protocol for counterparties outside the European Union
Agreement for counterparties from outside the European Union
Report of the express agreement to extend the validity period (only for applicable cases)
Model Agreements approved by the Agreement Commission, for processing which you must contact the indicated Vice-Rector's Office:
- Collaboration agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "the entity/company" for the development of a Doctorate with an Industrial mention
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "name of the entity" for the completion of Master's Thesis (within the European Union)
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "name of the entity" for the completion of Master's Final Projects (outside the European Union)
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and (the Entity/Company) for the delivery of the (Denomination Degree) with Dual Mention
Vice President for Research, Innovation and Transfer -
- Collaboration agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and xxxxxxxxxx for the application of aid for the completion of industrial doctorates under order 725/2022, of the Minister of Education, Universities, Science and spokesperson for the government of the Community of Madrid
- Educational cooperation agreement for carrying out external internships between the Rey Juan Carlos University and [entity]
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "name of the entity" for the completion of Final Degree Projects
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "name of the entity" for the completion of Final Degree Projects in English
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "name of the entity" for the completion of Final Degree Projects (outside the European Union) in English
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and "name of the entity" for the completion of Final Degree Projects (outside the European Union)
- Agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and (the Entity/Company), for the subsequent celebration of Articles 60 LOSU
- Sponsorship agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and (the Entity/Company)
Vice-Rector for Continuing Education -
Vice-Rectorate of Campus Community, Culture and Sports -
Social Council
Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on Universities and Law 12/2002, of December 18, on the Social Councils of the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid, configure the Social Council as the participation body of society in the University, corresponding to the functions that the law entrusts to it, among which are: supervising the economic activity and the performance of the University services, promoting the collaboration of society in the financing of the University, and promoting the relations of the University with its cultural, professional and social environment at the service of the quality of university activities. In the development of these functions, the law attributes to the Social Councils powers of approval, powers of supervision and powers of promotion and promotion of university activities, as well as powers on centers and degrees.
- Decree approving the Internal Regime Regulations of the Social Council of the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Law 12/2002, of December 18, of the Social Councils of the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid
- Statutes of the Rey Juan Carlos University (DECREE 22/2003, of February 27). || . Pdf || .epub
Decree approving the modification of the Statutes of the Rey Juan Carlos University (DECREE 28/2010, of May 20) - Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities
- Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on Universities
Social Council of the Rey Juan Carlos University
C/Tulipán s/n 28933 Móstoles Madrid
phone: 91.488.76.28 fax: 91.613.38.45
Born vowels:
- Mr. Javier Ramos López (Rector)
- Mrs. Mª Lourdes Meléndez Morillo-Velarde (General Secretary)
- Mr. Vicente Calvo Andrés (General Manager)
Members representing social interests appointed by social organizations and local entities:
For the business associations with the greatest representation in the Community of Madrid:
- Mr. Second of Pablo Alonso
- Mr. Álvaro García Barbero
For the unions with the greatest presence in the Community of Madrid:
- Ms. Isabel Galvín Arribas
- Mrs. Nuria Albert de la Cruz
By the municipality or municipalities in which the University had its centers located:
- Mr. Ángel Ramos Sánchez
Members representing the social interests designated among the foundations or companies that have signed agreements or contracts for research, teaching, professional training practices or collaboration in other activities of the University:
- Mr. Amancio López Seijas (PRESIDENT)
- D. Juan Abarca Cidon
- Mr. Juan Pedro Moreno Jubrias (VICE PRESIDENT)
- Marcelino Oreja Arburúa
Members representing social interests, appointed from among people of recognized prestige in the scientific, cultural, artistic or technological fields:
- Mr. Antonio Julián Barderas Nieto
- Mrs. Ana María Moreno Sánchez-Capuchino
- Ms. Mirina Cortés Ortega
- Mr. Valerio Rocco Lozano
Members representing the University:
- Ms. María Llanos Garrido Talavera
- AD Jorge Viera González
- Mrs. Paula Mané García
As established by Law 12/2002, of December 18, on the Social Councils of the Community of Madrid, the Social Council will function in plenary session and in Commission. The Plenary is the highest body of deliberation and decision of the Council, it is made up of all the members. The Internal Regulations of the Social Council of the Rey Juan Carlos University provide for the existence of two permanent commissions, the Economic Commission and the Services and Activities Commission. By agreement of the Plenary of the Social Council dated September 28, 2020, two new commissions are constituted, the Transparency and Good Governance Commission and the Strategic Management and Digital Transformation Commission. The Commissions are informative and prepare proposals for decisions to be adopted in plenary. However, the Plenary may delegate specific powers to the Committees.
Economic Commission
Chair: Mr. Juan Pedro Moreno Jubrias
- Mr. Second of Pablo Alonso
- Mrs. Nuria Albert de la Cruz
- General Manager
Academic and Services and Activities Commission
Chair: Mr. Juan Pedro Moreno Jubrias
- Mrs. Ana Maria Moreno Sanchez-Capuchino
- Mrs. Nuria Albert de la Cruz
Strategic Management and Digital Transformation Commission
Chair: Mr. Juan Pedro Moreno Jubrias
- Mr. Valerio Rocco Lozano
- General Secretary
Transparency and Good Governance Commission
Chair: Mr. Juan Pedro Moreno Jubrias
- Mr. Juan Moral de la Rosa
In order to provide the university community with timely knowledge of the agreements and decisions adopted by the University Social Council, a summary of them will be published on the website at the end of each meeting.
Agreements of the Social Council 2024
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 29-07-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 25-06-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 13-06-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 04-06-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 24-05-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 09-05-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 29-04-24)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 26-02-24)
Agreements of the Social Council 2023
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 19-12-23)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 30-10-23)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 4-10-23)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 29-06-23)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 24-04-23)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 27-02-23)
Agreements of the Social Council 2022
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 19-12-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 25-10-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 08-07-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 28-06-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 30-05-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 31-03-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 31-03-22)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 14-01-22)
Agreements of the Social Council 2021
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 20-12-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 27-10-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 26-07-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 11-06-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 02-06-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 28-05-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 29-04-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 16-04-21)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 30-03-21)
Agreements of the Social Council 2020
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 02-12-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 19-10-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 28-09-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 30-06-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 18-06-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 05-06-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 17-03-20)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 04-02-20)
Agreements of the Social Council 2019
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 10-10-19)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 12-07-19)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 25-06-19)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 06-06-19)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 13-03-19)
Agreements of the Social Council 2018
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 18-12-18)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 02-10-18)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 26-06-18)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 10-05-18)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 02-03-18)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 08-02-18)
Agreements of the Social Council 2017
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 21-12-17)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 27-11-17)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 22-09-17)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 27-06-17)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 04-04-17)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 03-03-17)
Agreements of the Social Council 2016
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 02-12-16)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 07-10-16)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 29-07-16)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 08-06-16)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 01-04-16)
Agreements of the Social Council 2015
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 14-12-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 05-11-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 28-09-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 14-07-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 01-06-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 28-04-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 04-03-15)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 03-02-15)
Agreements of the Social Council 2014
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 10-09-14)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 26-06-14)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 23-04-14)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 31-03-14)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 25-02-14)
Agreements of the Social Council 2013
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 19-12-13)
Agreements adopted in the Extraordinary Plenary Session of the Social Council (25-07-13)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 12-06-13)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 04-03-13)
Agreements of the Social Council 2012
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 21-12-12)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 06-11-12)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 04-07-12)
Agreements adopted in the Plenary of the Social Council (Day 07-03-12)