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Center for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer

Center for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer. CINTTEC

Technical Advisor: Alicia Cermeño Martín

Address: Rectorate Building. Tulipan street s/n. 28933 Mostoles. Madrid

Telephone: 91 488 9312 Email:



  • Promotion of the research results of the URJC towards the productive sectors and society in general.
  • Dissemination of the technological and knowledge catalog of the URJC in different forums to promote collaboration with other entities.
  • Advice and promotion of contracts art. 60 LOSU, agreements for the creation of chairs and other agreements related to innovation and transfer activities between the URJC and the private sector.
  • Support and advice on entrepreneurship and fundraising for innovation and transfer of results. Creation of EBTC's
  • Advice and training in matters related to intellectual and industrial property
  • patent management
  • Promotion of university-business cooperation programs
  • Promotion of the participation of researchers in thematic networks (innovation and transfer):


Name Phone number  Email
 Jose Angel Garcia Laborda  914887382
 Ursula Angulo Urrecho  914888151
 Martha Gil Prieto  914888080
 Monica Penit Raya  914884681
 Maria del Mar Gomez Zamora 916647411



Informative brochures:

POSTER CINTTEC 06 05 2019 POSTER EBTC 07 05 2019 POSTER PATENTS 06 05 2019