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RSU:Equality Unit

Responsible: Pilar Charro Baena
Address: Office 2011-B1, 2nd floor, Rectorate Extension. C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)
Phone: 914 88 82 77. E-mail:
For visits make an appointment.

Website of the Equality Unit

The creation of the Equality Unit was approved, in a session of the Governing Council, on November 5, 2010, to comply with LO 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, as well as of LO 4/2007, of April 12, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities.

Based on the regulations approved by the Governing Council on June 7, 2019, the Unit is constituted as a university service as regulated in article 188 of the URJC Statutes.

The Equality Unit is made up of the Equality Commission and the Unit Management, whose members are appointed by the Rector, as established in its regulations.

The Unit functions as an administrative dependency of the Vice President for Planning and Strategy and is coordinated by the Academic Department of the Equality, Health and Sustainability Program of the URJC.


The functions of the Equality Unit include:

  • Carrying out the gender diagnosis.
  • The preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the Equality Plan.
  • The promotion of training actions on the principle of equality for the awareness of the university community.
  • The promotion of initiatives, in the field of higher education, that encourage teaching and research with a gender perspective.
  • The promotion of gender mainstreaming in university policies.


The Equality Unit's main objective is to integrate equality between women and men in all areas of activity at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

In the URJC Equality Plan, in compliance with article 46 of LO 3/2007, "an ordered set of measures, adopted after making a diagnosis of the situation, aimed at achieving equal treatment and opportunities" are included. and to eliminate discrimination based on sex”. 

About Us

The Equality Unit is made up of representatives of the university community and they are appointed according to articles 5 and 7 of its regulations. His appointment lasts for 4 years, except for the vocal position on behalf of the students, which will last for 2 years.

The Equality Unit is made up of the members of the Equality Commission: Almudena Alameda Cuesta, Diana Fernández Romero, Javier Simó Reigadas and Rosa Santero Sánchez (representatives of the PDI), Iván Dorado Moreno (representative of the PAS) and Sara Gallardo Guijarro (representative of the students) and by the Directorate of the Unit, Rosa Rodríguez Saavedra.

Linked SDGs

SDG 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development promotes the international community's commitment to achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls through SDG 5.

In addition to this specific objective, it is interesting to bear in mind that, due to the transversality of the gender perspective, there are numerous goals and indicators of the 2030 Agenda related to gender. Of the 232 indicators described in the SDGs, 53 are carried out from a gender perspective, contained in objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 17, and another 110 indicators must be disaggregated by sex.


The URJC Equality Unit is part of:

  • The Network of Gender Equality Units for University Excellence (RUIGEU), which brings together all the units, offices, observatories, commissions, secretariats of equal opportunities between women and men of the Spanish public universities and those private ones that request membership.
  • The Network of Gender Equality Units in Madrid (RUIGEMA), which brings together all the units and offices equal opportunities between women and men of the six Madrid public universities.
  • The Gender Policies subgroup of the CRUE Sustainability group.

Team and contact

Ana Gómez- Escalonilla Martín
