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RSU: Development Cooperation and Volunteering Unit

Head of the UnitEmma Rodríguez Barcia
Address: Restoration Building, Office 015.
C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933. Móstoles (Madrid).
Phone: ---- E-mail:
Opening hours: LV Prior Appointment in the morning hours.

Website of the Development Cooperation and Volunteering Unit

The Development Cooperation and Volunteering Unit was created in 2014 with the objective of promoting and coordinating the corporate management of both activities within the university.

Since the beginning of its activities, its own volunteer programs have been promoted, both nationally and internationally, in addition to the establishment of collaboration agreements with third and fourth sector entities to allow the university community access to the volunteer activities carried out by them.

In the field of International Development Cooperation, the Service promotes collaboration programs with entities from various developing countries, supports the consolidation of existing relationships and promotes initiatives for the execution and financing of new projects through calls and specific agreements .


  • Preparation and execution of national and international volunteer programs aimed at the university community.
  • Relationship with entities outside the university to establish common projects in the field of cooperation, volunteering and USR.
  • Management of funding calls for projects related to Development Cooperation and volunteering.
  • Management of international cooperation projects promoted from the service itself or from units that request support.
  • Support for people who are refugees or integrated at some point in the Spanish international protection reception system who are part of the URJC university community.
  • Development and execution of training plans in volunteering and international cooperation.
  • Management of university participation in intergenerational coexistence programs.
  • Management of various activities related to the field of RSU, solidarity and citizen participation within the university.


Call for Projects on Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship and Human Rights of the Rey Juan Carlos University

Call for funding of Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship and Human Rights projects of the URJC 2024.

This call is financed by the Social Council and the Vice-Rector for Quality and Strategy of the URJC, and aims to create a financing channel for initiatives framed in the field of Cooperation for Sustainable Development, Education in Global Citizenship and Human Rights and others. social action scenarios as described in its bases.

Those who wish to participate in this call must do so by completing the application form that will be available at the Electronic Office, accessing through the following link: https://sede.urjc.es/convocatorias

Under no circumstances may the general application (present/request) be used as a valid application model to participate in this call.

Any questions or queries will be answered through the official account

  1. Extraordinary
  2. Annex II - Project description and schedule
  3. Annex III - Cooperation budget 2024
  4. Annex IV - Assessment criteria
  5. Annex V - Acceptance of financing

Call for International Volunteering at the Rey Juan Carlos University

Manual for international volunteer stays

The Development Cooperation and Volunteering Unit of the URJC launches a new Call for the International Volunteering Program

1 (1) 2 (2)In this call, a maximum of 11 students will be selected to volunteer between the months of July and November in countries such as Mexico, Tanzania, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mozambique or Nicaragua. Selected students will receive financial aid that covers travel expenses, travel insurance with health expenses, vaccines, visas, food and accommodation.

These volunteer projects collaborate with local communities to guarantee equity, justice, compliance with human rights, social cohesion, the fight against poverty and inequalities. The objective is to empower key actors for local and regional development and thus contribute to the well-being of these communities.

Some of the volunteer positions offered in this new edition include the promotion of tourism in Mayan communities, support for women's entrepreneurship in Tanzania, medical care in rural areas of the Dominican Republic, collaboration in the protection of children in shelters in Mozambique or supervision of the nesting process of sea turtles in Nicaragua.

If you are thinking of spending a different summer, you want to live a unique experience and contribute to creating a better world, we are counting on you!

You can consult the rules of the call, participation requirements and positions offered here. The deadline for sending applications ends on May 22. More information in


Call for Study Aid for refugees from the Rey Juan Carlos University

Pending publication next call

Volunteer training

The University Social Responsibility Service, through its Volunteering Unit, offers different training alternatives in aspects of volunteering.

With the aim of offering quality activities, agreements have been established with different organizations and associations involved in volunteering environments.

Depending on the duration and nature of the training activity, a number of ECTS credits are recognized for completing it.

Basic formation

Within the framework of the agreement established between the URJC and the Volunteering School of the Community of Madrid, there are several annual calls for basic training courses in volunteering given by the aforementioned school, an initial step requested by most of the associations that are dedicated to volunteering activities to those who want to participate in them.



Collaboration with NGOs and Associations


From the Vice President for Quality and Strategy we prepare the offer of university volunteer programs and projects for the academic year and we would like to expand our collaboration with new associations and NGOs.

If you think you can incorporate university volunteering into your organization with students from the Rey Juan Carlos University, do not hesitate to contact us by email: 

Collaborating Entities

The Rey Juan Carlos University, through the Development Cooperation and Volunteering Unit,It promotes its own volunteer programs, both national and international, in addition to establishing collaboration agreements with third and fourth sector entities to allow the university community access to the volunteer activities developed by them.

Registration: Volunteering at King Juan Carlos University

One of the purposes of the West Syndrome Foundation is to care for those affected by West syndrome and other related cases with pediatric epilepsy, both the patients themselves and their families. Likewise, it promotes the dissemination of this rare disease and scientific research through biennial international meetings.

West syndrome is also called Infantile Spasms, a special type of epileptic seizure that mainly affects children under one year of age.

The three pillars of the foundation are the dissemination of epilepsy and its comorbidity, advocating for early detection and diagnosis and for society to be more sensitive to those who suffer from it; support for families, providing a meeting point, information, support and specialized services, and research in the different fields of neuropediatrics.

More information: http://www.sindromedewest.org/

Cáritas Madrid is an official organization belonging to the Church of Madrid, whose objective is to promote, guide and coordinate charitable and social action in the Diocese itself. Its purpose is to carry out the charitable and social action of the Church, as well as to coordinate and implement the Christian communication of goods in all its forms and to offer comprehensive help to all people.

Its social action work is focused on excluded people, the elderly, homeless and children, offering help in different areas such as reception and primary care, migrants, homeless people, children and adolescents, young people, women, the elderly or fair trade.

More information: https://www.caritasmadrid.org/

Plena Inclusion Madrid is a non-profit entity founded in 1978 in Madrid, made up of a network of organizations of people with intellectual disabilities, whose mission is to contribute to each person with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their family, being able to carry out their quality of life project, as well as to promote their inclusion as full citizens in a just and supportive society.

With a network of more than 2.700 volunteers, Plena Inclusion Madrid offers enriching experiences, spaces to participate and contribute ideas and the possibility of being part of a movement for social change. If you are a positive, open and committed person and you have enthusiasm, concern and desire, this is your volunteering!

More information: https://plenainclusionmadrid.org/

Founded in 1999, the San Ricardo Pampuri Association is an NPO (non-profit organization) dedicated to the social assistance of people in moderate and severe social exclusion, especially women, immigrants and people most affected by this condition. Its main objective is to carry out psychosocial intervention with people who are in serious social exclusion and their families to provide them with tools to produce a change of mentality that allows them to improve their level ofemployability and take responsibility for their lives and their environment.

San Ricardo Pampuri permanently develops a common training program for all the volunteers and workers of the association, which has monthly sessions, called the School of Charity.

More information: https://www.casadesanantonio.es/

AEPMI is a non-profit entity created to improve the quality of life of patients with mitochondrial pathologies and their families. Its objectives are to provide information about these diseases, in order to achieve greater knowledge and implications for families, promoting all information channels and support systems for associates, in order to provide their social integration. They seek to manage therapies for those affected and stimulate and promote scientific research into these diseases to improve therapeutic and rehabilitative possibilities.

For better care and help to these patients, AEPMI organizes specific training courses for health personnel and gives visibility to the disease with the organization of family meetings and conferences, scientific presentations, collaboration with other similar entities, with research groups, students and universities.

More information: https://aepmi.org/

Asociación Yuna is a non-profit organization, which is based on the initiative of a group of professionals in the social field who decide to undertake a joint project, promoting activities in the sectors of childhood, youth, functional diversity and people with autism spectrum disorder. Its mission is to promote social equality and contribute to family development, supporting the most vulnerable communities, facilitating access to services and resources that contribute to improving their quality of life.

Its actions focus on promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for those groups that are at greatest risk of marginalization and social exclusion, focusing on areas such as education, health, employment or nutrition. Some of the measures they implement include education and training programs, direct care services, psycho-pedagogical therapies, speech therapy, social assistance, employment programs, aid programs with basic necessities and small financial provisions for food and hygiene for minors. .

More information: https://asociacionyuna.com/

Fundación AMÁS is an organization that helps each person with an intellectual disability and their family develop their life project, as well as promote their inclusion as a full citizen, contributing to the creation of a more just and supportive society.

It is based on seven values ​​that form the basis for expressing and building the present and future of the organization: commitment to people; commitment to families; Honesty; Inclusion; Independence; Universality and Transformative Innovation.

Our objective is to be recognized by people with disabilities, their families and society as an organization committed to supporting the personal projects and social changes necessary for the exercise of citizenship by people with intellectual disabilities.

More information: https://www.fundacion-amas.org/

SCI Madrid is a member of Service Civil International, it was founded in 1920, whose mission is to create a culture of peace and international solidarity based on social justice and sustainable development.

SCI Madrid promotes the organization of international volunteer projects with local and global impact, working with people from other cultures or characteristics, promoting curiosity and breaking stereotypes. Through intercultural volunteering, they seek to promote mutual understanding, cultural exchange and cooperation between people of different nationalities, beliefs, race, sex or condition. Its objective is for people to become aware of their important role in solving the problems of our society and to carry out volunteer work aimed at achieving a better society.

More information: https://ongsci.org/

ONGAWA is an NGO whose mission is to put technology at the service of human development and the fight against poverty, to build a more just and supportive society. Its objective is to have citizens committed to promoting and demanding social changes, in a world where human rights are protected, respected and promoted, also thinking about future generations.

ONGAWA is an associative project that is strengthened by the experience, work and desire contributed by the people and institutions that are part of it and support it: a total of 1.142 members and 250 volunteers who, helped by a team of 50 professionals and through the alliances, networks and platforms of which they are part, they generate a space for collaboration and meeting of people who add their energies in a project of social change.

More information: https://ongawa.org/

AMACAE is made up of a group of fathers, mothers and representatives united to fight against bullying in all its forms: ciberbullyinggroomingsexting and everything related to any form of abuse, verbal, physical or psychological.

Its main objective is the prevention of bullying, with actions such as the implementation of measures based on school zones, specific situations and student profiles. When bullying has already occurred, they advise victims and their families so that they can act according to the particular situation that is occurring, putting professionals on the subject at their disposal. Quick and direct attention at the beginning of a possible case of bullying or school violence is very important to prevent further evils and to help the victim get out of this situation successfully.

AMACAE helps and advises both School Centers and Ampas, organizing preventive talks on bullying and cyberbullying, developing and offering protocols for its prevention.

More information: https://amacae.com/

Amoverse Foundation was born in 2001, developing a comprehensive socio-educational project aimed at children, youth and their families, fundamentally through non-formal education and study support. Currently the foundation has two centers in Vallecas (Pozo del Tío Raimundo) and Tetuán (La Ventilla), in Madrid, from where Comprehensive Family Support, Socio-educational Intervention and Socio-labor Intervention Programs are carried out.

From the Socio-Educational Area, they develop a comprehensive project aimed at promoting families and social transformation, through the support of children, adolescents, young people and their families in situations of social vulnerability, promoting their opportunities for personal, family and professional growth. and promoting their dignity and full integration into society.

From the Foundation's Employment Area and through Amoverse Insertion Company, they promote the labor insertion of young people and adults so that, after participating in their training itineraries and through personalized support, they achieve a worthy opportunity for their lives.

More information: https://fundacionamoverse.org/

ONG Rescate is a Spanish non-profit association dedicated since 1960 to serving refugees, victims of conflicts, violence and natural disasters in their countries of origin and destination, paying special attention to the most vulnerable, women and minors.

The growing migratory flow, the result of wars, armed conflicts and situations of personalized persecution, as well as the socio-political, environmental and economic changes that have occurred in many countries, makes ONG Rescate focus its vision on the needs of International Cooperation for the reconstruction and strengthening countries in post-conflict stages, natural disasters and developing countries and humanitarian aid in countries in conflict.

They also provide Direct Care in Spain to refugees who may need international protection and more vulnerable migrants, offering them legal, psychological and social support, supporting them in their reception and integration process, and facilitating access to their fundamental rights, with a special attention to vulnerable women and men due to gender reasons, as well as girls and boys.

More information: https://ongrescate.org/

Scholas Occurrentes is an International Organization of Pontifical Law approved and erected by Pope Francis on August 13, 2013. It is a youth movement for education that seeks to restore the meaning of what we do through sport, art and technology, committed to creating an inclusive and transformative environment, where each young person can develop their potential and contribute positively to the world around them .

Scholas was born with the objective of creating and promoting the culture of encounter, bringing together young people in an education that generates meaning, seeking to create another way of being together, of living and building our society. 

More information: https://scholasoccurrentes.org/es/

Helsinki Spain – Human Dimension is a human rights organization created in 1992 to promote compliance with the principles relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Helsinki Final Act  for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Made up of specialists from international organizations, think tanks, universities, NGOs, diplomatic corps, security forces and bodies, and members of civil society, Helsinki Spain is a leading organization in the field of education for peace, human rights and development, both nationally and internationally, thanks to the quality and diversification of its educational and training programs capable of adapting to a dynamic society in continuous change. It works for the respect and protection of human rights through education at the university level, concentrating its efforts on the development of quality educational initiatives in matters related to human rights, conflict prevention and peacebuilding. and the develop.

More information: https://helsinkiespana.org/

Social Action for Music is a foundation created in 2013, inspired by the Orchestras and Choirs project of Maestro Abreu from Venezuela with the dream of "transforming adversity into hope", which works for the training, prevention and recovery of minors in risk situation through the collective practice of music.

The Foundation develops a comprehensive project on children's rights and protection, aimed at promoting families and the social transformation of neighborhoods. Among its purposes is to accompany boys, girls, adolescents, young people and families in a situation or risk of social vulnerability, promoting their opportunities for personal, family and professional growth, promoting their dignity and full integration into society.

More information: https://accionporlamusica.es/

Spanish Red Cross is a Humanitarian Institution of a voluntary nature and of public interest, which is legally configured as an auxiliary and collaborator of the Public Administrations in the humanitarian and social activities promoted by them.

Among its purposes, the promotion and collaboration in actions of solidarity and social well-being through welfare and social services stand out, the promotion and participation in health programs and in actions that, due to their special altruistic nature, are more convenient for public health, and in the promotion of the voluntary and selfless participation of natural and legal persons, public or private, in the activities and support of the Institution for the fulfillment of its tasks, as well as the development of training actions aimed at achieving the above purposes.

More information: https://www.cruzroja.es/principal/web/comunidad-de-madrid

The Esplai Foundation is an entity created in 1999, whose mission is to promote citizen empowerment and their commitment to the improvement of society, from the perspective of rights, inclusion and transformation, and with a special dedication to youth, all this through community social intervention, socio-educational action and inclusion in the field of ICT, working in networks with the Third Sector and the rest of social agents.  

Its purpose is to contribute to achieving a more just present and future for children and youth, demanding a happy, respectful, fair, peaceful, supportive, sustainable way of life.

More information: https://fundacionesplai.org/

Madre Coraje is an independent NGO committed to the development of less fortunate people, promoting the development of women as an engine of change, with effective projects for sustainable and self-managed development, and with recycling as a form of environmentally responsible self-financing. .

The association's purposes are to cooperate in the development of impoverished communities with humanitarian aid and sustainable development projects, with volunteers and partners committed to equality, the fight against injustice and respect for the environment, through education and awareness. Its ideal is Love through its principles: solidarity, equality and gratuitousness.

More information: https://www.madrecoraje.org/

The Cultural Association of Women Manos y Voces is a non-profit entity founded in 2012 in Toledo, with the aim of helping women affected by breast cancer.

In 2015 they launched the “Almohada del Corazón” solidarity project, which consists in making heart-shaped therapeutic cushions, which are delivered completely free of charge in different hospitals to women undergoing breast cancer surgery to alleviate the effects of breast surgery and thus improve their quality of life.

More information: https://manosyvoces.wordpress.com/

The Spanish Volunteering Platform is an association that coordinates the promotion and dissemination of volunteering and solidarity action at the state level. It is made up of 80 state-level organizations, as well as regional and provincial platforms located throughout the State, which together represent more than 29.000 associations.

PVE is part of the State Council of NGOs, the European Volunteer Center (CEV) and the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE). The Spanish Volunteer Platform's object and purposes, among others, are to promote, raise awareness and enhance volunteering, raising awareness in society about the meaning and values ​​of their contribution.

More information: https://plataformavoluntariado.org/

They are a group of people committed to those who suffer social exclusion, discrimination and loneliness (homeless people, elderly people, inmates of penitentiary centers, people with disabilities and mental health problems). Through social action, communication and advocacy, they seek to break prejudices to transform our environment. In addition to accompanying people who suffer exclusion, their objective is to search for the causes and offer alternative proposals. Your volunteering goes beyond a few hours of weekly commitment. It also implies an attitude, a way of looking at our society and its unfair inequalities in order to change them. Through voluntary action, through training and organized work, they contribute to generating active and supportive citizenship.

More information: https://www.solidarios.org.es

Tsuneni Association is a volunteer association aimed at university students and professionals who want to change society, making it a little more humane every day. Its objectives include promoting solidarity, especially among university students and young professionals, contributing to society by addressing the real needs we encounter in our environment and collaborating in the development of young people through the values ​​of solidarity, commitment and generosity.

The action plans for URJC students include:

  1. SCHOOL SUPPORT VOLUNTEERING. in parish premises (Canillejas, Tetuán, Carabanchel, Aluche and Villaverde)

More information: https://asociaciontsuneni.org/


The Development Cooperation and Volunteer Service aims to:

  • Make known realities different from those that members of the university community face on a daily basis.
  • Offer members of the university community a platform for participation in activities that provide differential elements in environments and groups in need.
  • Establish links between the university and entities of the Third and Fourth sector to obtain a reciprocal benefit.
  • Allow the training of members of the university community in subjects that can complement regulated academic training.
  • Offer help and support to groups at risk of exclusion.
  • Disseminate the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and mediate between different sectors inside and outside the university to support the achievement of the defined goals.
  • Promote, within the university community, a collective and critical thinking that favors social and sustainable development.

About Us

To achieve its objectives, the following are proposed:

  • National and international volunteering activities in all types of fields and environments.
  • Development Cooperation Projects in developing countries (PVDs).
  • Training activities.
  • Calls for aid and financing.

In the field of volunteering, we work with our own projects and with projects in collaboration with external entities.

We try to promote the interactive use of the web page of the service given the impossibility of providing personal attention. We follow the same strategy for the training activities that are carried out.

In the field of Development Cooperation we try to promote and support the implementation of projects proposed by the university community, through funding via calls and carrying out informative and informative activities.

Linked SDGs

From the moment in which the original entity of the 2030 Agenda considers volunteering as a fundamental vehicle for achieving the objectives defined in it, it is necessary to link the activity of the Service with all the objectives defined in the Agenda, especially when in the activity carried out From the Service you can see a connection with all of them.

What does a volunteer activity consist of?

There is a clear definition of voluntary activity, with legislation applicable both in National scope as in regional area that must be met in the development of any project in this area.

It is essential to make it clear that not everything that is done on a voluntary basis is a voluntary activity. The Law 45 / 2015, of October 14, of Volunteering considers as such, the set of activities of general interest (those that contribute in each of the areas of action referred to in article 6 of said law, to improve the quality of life of the individuals and society in general and to protect and conserve the environment) carried out by natural persons, provided that they meet the following requirements:

  • Have a caring nature.
  • They must be carried out freely and voluntarily by the person, without imposition or obligation of any agent or organization.
  • They do not receive salary or any other material remuneration.
  • They must be carried out within a volunteer organization in our territory or outside of it.
  • Activities that do not require physical assistance from the person, such as those that are carried out through ICTs but that are linked to voluntary organizations, are also included in this category.

Regulations and documentation

Law 1/2023, of February 20, on Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Global Solidarity

Law 1/2015, of February 24, on Volunteering in the Community of Madrid


Law 43/2015, of October 9, of the Third Sector of Social Action


Law 45/2015, of October 14, on Volunteering


Regulations for Academic Recognition of Credits in undergraduate studies at Rey Juan Carlos University (May 29, 2015)


Protocol for the Academic Recognition of Credits for participation in Solidarity and Cooperation University Activities in Madrid Public Universities (March 2, 2015)


Guidelines for University Development Cooperation for the period 2019-2030


University Development Cooperation Strategy (2000)


Code of Conduct for Universities in Development Cooperation Matters (2006)


Guidelines for University Development Cooperation for the period 2019-2030


Team and contact

Head of the Unit: Address: Restoration Building, Office 001.C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933. Móstoles (Madrid).E-mail: