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Permanent training Master's Degree in Aerospace Design, Manufacturing and Maintenance Engineering

Continuing Education
Telephone: 91 488 70 41
Academic direction: Luis Cadarso  -  Raul de Celis

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Basic Information


You're an engineer? Do you want to increase your knowledge in aeronautical design, manufacturing and maintenance?

Receive extensive and rigorous training to understand and use technology and apply it to aerospace design, manufacturing and maintenance. Train with the best professionals and do internships with the most advanced aeronautical companies in our country:



The Master provides theoretical and practical training in the different disciplines involved in the design, configuration, assembly, production and maintenance of an aircraft. Emphasis is placed on configuration and assembly production processes, composite materials and new technologies, applicable in the factory of the future and advanced materials. In addition, practical training is emphasized by carrying out an internship period in companies of recognized prestige in the aerospace sector.

As regards the acquisition of content, the basic subjects of aeronautical engineering will be combined with others of a more specialized nature, some of which belong to the forefront of science and technology.


The main objectives are: to provide theoretical and practical training in the different disciplines involved in the design, configuration, assembly and production of an aircraft. Emphasis is placed on configuration and assembly production processes, composite materials and new technologies, applicable in the factory of the future and advanced materials. In addition, practical training is emphasized by carrying out an internship period in companies of recognized prestige in the aerospace sector.

The objectives to be achieved by the student are:

  • Analyze the evolution and development of the aeronautical industry.
  • Understand the general design of the aircraft.
  • Understand configuration management.
  • Know the specific design of structures and system installations.
  • Analyze the design certification.
  • Understand the planning and development of an assembly line.
  • Analyze tool management.
  • Understand the main processes.
  • Understand the structure of the product.
  • Learn about Lean Manufacturing.
  • Know the main processes (positioning, supplementing, drilling, riveting, protections and verification).
  • Know the subsets.
  • Know the equipped systems.
  • Understand the major components (stabilizing wings-fuselages).
  • Apply automation.
  • Know robotics.
  • Understand the special assemblies for interchangeable elements.
  • Apply the FAL final aircraft integration.
  • Know the tooling.
  • Understand the production systems of composite materials.
  • Apply the organization of production.
  • Know the manufacturing technologies.
  • Analyze the properties and mechanical behavior of materials.
  • Learn about unconventional composite materials.
  • Understand aircraft systems, both fluid mechanical and electromechanical, and emergency.
  • Know the pneumatic control systems.
  • Analyze the electromechanical action.
  • Know the metal machining.
  • Design the tooling.
  • Understand processing technologies.
  • Know the coating and surface treatment of metals.
  • Understand the rules and regulations.
  • Analyze the quality system.
  • Know the quality in design.
  • Know the quality in the supply chain.
  • Know the quality in the production process.
  • Know the quality of the product (plane, assembly, part).
  • Understand quality documentation and records.
  • Carry out an audit.
  • Learn about additive manufacturing.
  • Learn about nanotechnology.
  • Learn about nanomaterials.
  • Learn about multifunctional materials.
  • Learn about unconventional composite materials (mmc-cmc-cc).
  • Understand documentation design.
  • Apply damage control and troubleshooting.
  • Maintenance planning.
  • Troubleshoot faults.


The set of general competencies defined for this academic project are summarized as follows:

  • Ability to search for specific information related to the different subjects of the master's degree from all available sources.
  • Ability to propose and develop reports.
  • Ability to interpret technical documents.
  • Ability to work in a team, in an interdisciplinary environment.
  • Resource management: organization and ability to set priorities at work.
  • Flexibility to adapt during the development of a project, ability to rethink.
  • Critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis and evaluation of different alternatives
  • Ability for effective written and oral communication.
  • Information management: collection of information, organization, etc.
  • Responsibility and capacity for self-learning.

The following basic skills will also be guaranteed:

  • Understand and possess knowledge that provides an opportunity or basis for being original in the application and/or development of ideas, commonly in a research setting.
  • That students know how to apply the explained knowledge and their ability to solve problems in little-known or new environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts in relation to their area of ​​study;
  • That students are able to face the difficulty of formulating judgments and integrating knowledge based on limited or incomplete information.
  • That students are capable of transmitting their conclusions –and the ultimate reasons and knowledge that support them– to expert and non-expert audiences in a clear and unambiguous way;
  • That students have the learning skills that enable them to continue their studies in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
  • That students have the ability to establish the relevant interrelationships between the different disciplines that make up the master's degree.
  • That students have oral and written communication skills in the dissemination of manufacturing and design knowledge.
  • That they know how to apply their own specific tools, programs and computer applications for the development of new aircraft manufacturing and design projects.
  • That they have analysis and synthesis skills in the presentation of the contents.
  • That students have the ability to apply critical judgment in the domain of specific and generic bibliography related to the field of studies related to the manufacture and design of aircraft.

The specific competences achieved by the students who take the master's degree will be:

  • Provide students with scientific and technological training and boost industrial competitiveness, in addition to promoting entrepreneurship, fostering the creation of an industrial and service fabric that allows job performance in companies and businesses linked to the aeronautical sector.
  • Know all the engineering that is required in the manufacture and fine-tuning of an aircraft.
  • Receive information on the latest trends in materials and processes.
  • Develop practical work in leading companies in the aeronautical sector.
  • Assess the costs associated with aerospace manufacturing.


Customer Service Modules Materials ECTS
MODULE A: Design of Manned and Unmanned Aircraft General Design of the Airplane. 9
Specific Design of Structures and System Installations.
Configuration management
General Design of UASs
MODULE B: Aircraft Systems Engineering and Aeronautical Quality Fluid Dynamic Systems (Hydraulic, Pneumatic, etc.). 6
Landing Gear Systems.
Electrical Systems, Utilites and Emergencies.
Electrical and Electronic Systems.
Innovative Trends in Aircraft Systems.
Aeronautical quality.
MODULE C: Manufacturing Engineering in Composite and Metallic Materials Manufacturing Technologies. 9
Concurrent engineering.
Manufacturing equipment.
MMCC Tooling – Metallic.
Integration of Structures.
Superficial treatments.
MODULE D: Process Engineering and Configuration Program Management. 5
Cost Management.
Lean Manufacturing.
Routes/SOI Product Structure.
Logistics Management.
Tool Management.
MODULE E: Assembly Production Engineering Basic Processes (Drilling, Riveting, Sealing, etc.). 5
FAL Assemblies/ FAL Integration
MCA & FAL tooling
Equipped with Systems.
MODULE F: New Technologies and Advanced Materials Additive Manufacturing. 6
Multifunctional Materials.
Non-Conventional Composite Materials (MMC-CMC-CC).
MODULE G: Aeronautical Maintenance. Planes and Helicopters Introduction to Maintenance. 4
Maintenance Regulation.
Maintenance Documentation.
Maintenance program.
Generation and Design of Documentation.
MODULE H: Factory of the Future Extreme agility. 5
General Framework of Transformation 4.0.
Big Data and Management Control.
Manufacturing Intelligence.
machine learning
Human 4.0.
Logistics 4.0.
MODULE I: Practices Company internships 5
MODULE J: Final Master's Project Completion, presentation and defense of an original exercise. 6



access requirements

To access the teachings of the program it will be necessary to have a degree in engineering, technical engineering, degree in engineering, bachelor's degree in physics or degree in physics.

Any other MECES 2 or 3 level university degree, which also certifies work experience in the aeronautical sector for 5 years or more, will be valued by the management team of the degree.

They will be able to access these studies, professionals without previous official university degree that accredit work experience. In these cases, they will be given a University Extension Diploma with the same name and number of credits as the master's degree.

Selection criteria

In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, a selection will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Degree 30%
  • Academic record 30%
  • Previous experience 20%
  • Interview 20%

Number of places offered: 30

Number of reserved places: 1. When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria. In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.

The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled

Academic Management and Faculty


Luis Cadarso

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Vice principal:

Raul de Celis

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


Angel Hinojosa


Quality Commission: 

Luis Cadarso

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Raul de Celis

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Angel Hinojosa


Santiago Benedict


Edward Chamorro


Quality guarantee


Composition of the commission

Presidency (academic direction): Luis Cadarso / Raúl de Celis

Secretary (teacher representative): Santiago Benito

Student representative: Samuel Marugan

It will be selected once registration is completed and the course begins.

PTGAS Representative: Beatriz Martin Barrio

Head of Continuing Education Service.

Representative of employer companies and society: Angel Hinojosa

Results report

Once the follow-up of the Master of Lifelong Training has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown.

General information collection plan

Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

- Student profile

- Teacher evaluation

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Of the students
  • of the graduates
  • From the Faculty
  • Administration and Services Staff

- Labor insertion

- External internships:

  • Satisfaction of interns
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Employer satisfaction

Survey results:

Improvement actions

The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.


Duration and development


Modality: Face-to-face and face-to-face

Number of credits: 60 FTEs

Contact hours: 600 hours

Place of delivery: Hangar Laboratory VI of the Fuenlabrada Campus of the URJC

Platform or virtual environment (URJC or others): Virtual Classroom and Microsoft Teams.

Opening hours: 17:00-21:00

Presentation: Thursday, October 2, 2025 at 17:00 p.m., course opening and graduation

Start date: Monday 06 October of 2025

Reservation of place and enrollment


Pre-registration period: January 20, 2025 to September 30, 2025

Enrollment deadline: February 10, 2025 to September 30, 2025

Title price: €9000

Possibility of scholarship (if applicable): yes

Pre-registration: €500. This amount is included in the total cost of the course and will be refunded if your academic application is not accepted. If, once the student's application is accepted, he/she does not formalize the registration, the amount deposited as pre-registration will not be returned.

The beginning of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled.

Number of places offered: 30

Number of reserved places: 1. When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria. In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.

Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery

the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.

At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid

The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.

Required documentation:

Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:

  • National Identity Document or equivalent
  • University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:

  • Passport or Residence Card
  • Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
  • Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.

All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.