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Proof of over 40 years

In this section you can obtain information on the organization of the entrance exam for people over 40 years of age.

Students who have passed the test will be able to obtain more information about the Admission process to the University.


Candidates with work or professional experience in relation to a graduate education provided by the Rey Juan Carlos University, who do not have any qualifying academic qualifications to access the university by other means, and who meet or have met 40 years of age in the calendar year in which the academic year begins.

Characteristics of the test

The candidate will be evaluated in the degree or degrees of his/her choice linked to a single Faculty or School of this University. Work experience and training will be valued in relation to each selected degree.

The corresponding supporting documentation will be provided along with the application form, as well as the rest of the required documents.

The Evaluation Commission of the test will be in charge of assessing the candidates.

Candidates will carry out a personal interview on the day and time that will be indicated on this website. In the interview, which will last no more than 10 minutes, applicants must present to the Evaluation Commission the suitability of their profile and professional experience to the degree(s) to which they wish to access.

At the end of the evaluation process, a grade between 0 and 10 will be awarded for each of the degrees that have been requested. The grades will be valid indefinitely.

The applicant may request admission to degrees in which they obtain a grade equal to or greater than five points.

1% of the places offered by the University will be reserved for this route.

IMPORTANT: Passing the test does not imply being admitted to the studies selected in the application to participate in this test.

You will be able to consult the different admission procedures On our website.

Documentation and deadlines

Enrollment period:  9 to the 20 of January of 2025 

Enrollment platform: https://gestion2.urjc.es/accesomayores/ 


Enrollment instructions

To register for the senior test you must follow these steps:

  1. Access the Registration Platform for people over 25, 40 and 45 years old

When you access the platform, two options will appear, which you must select:

  • New User Registration:
    • If you have not previously participated in any entrance exam, course, etc., with the URJC, and therefore do not have, nor have you ever had, an access password.
    • If you have not yet made any new user registration requests during the current academic year.
    • If you have selected this option, you must register your details and follow the instructions you will receive in an email after registration.
  • I already have an account:
    • If you have previously participated in any entrance exam, course, etc. with the URJC.
    • If you have already requested your “New User Registration” and want to continue with your enrollment process for the senior test.
  1. If you have already registered and have selected “Receipt” as your payment method, You must pay it within 10 business days by the following means: 
  • At Banco Santander: through Electronic Banking or ATMs or window. 
  • At CaixaBank: through Online Banking and ATMs. Over-the-counter payments are not accepted.
  • Important: payment cannot be made via bank transfer. 
  1. Once you have registered and made the payment, you must present the following documentation:

The above documentation must be submitted within the same period in the University registration through the following channels:


Date of interviews

February 4, 2025: publication of the interview schedule. All will be held on the Móstoles campus, the rectorate building.

February 7, 2025: conducting interviews

February 13, 2025: publication of notes

Official Report Card

The official digital qualification card is an electronic document accrediting the final qualification of the Tests and is signed by means of an electronic signature and a secure verification code (CSV), which allows any recipient of the document to validate its authenticity and integrity in the Electronic Office of University (https://sede.urjc.es/verifica).

This document, being directly verifiable, will allow it to be used in printed or digital format for any procedure without the need for certification or additional stamps.

The card of the Tests carried out from 2021 can be obtained at the following link:


Academic fees and examination rights

  • Ordinary registration – 86,31 euros
  • Large Family General Category: will pay 50% of the ordinary amount: 43,15 euros
  • Large Family Special and Honor Category, and Victims of Terrorism: will be exempt from paying fees.
  • *In the event of being a Large Family, the certified photocopy of the updated Large Family Title will be provided or, failing that, the original accompanied by a photocopy of the same.
  • *If you are a Victim of terrorism, you will provide a certified photocopy of the certification issued for this purpose by the Ministry of the Interior or, failing that, the original accompanied by a photocopy of the same.
  • Students with disabilities with a degree greater than or equal to 33% exempt from paying the fees. They must provide the photocopy and original or certified photocopy of the certificate of recognition of the degree of disability.


Royal Decree 412/2014, of June 6, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university degree courses

Order 3208/2009, of July 2, which develops some aspects provided in Royal Decree 1892/2008, of November 14.

Royal Decree 1892/2008, of November 14, which regulates the conditions for access to official undergraduate university education and admission procedures to Spanish public universities.

Error correction of the Royal Decree. 1892/2008. March 28, 2009

Error correction of the Royal Decree. 1892/2008. July 21, 2009

File transfers and academic certifications


NOTICE: Agreement of the public universities of the Single District of the Community of Madrid, on certifications of the Evaluation of Access to the University and file transfers

They must request file transfer:

All students who have passed the University Entrance Examination at the Rey Juan Carlos University and are admitted to any private University and to Public Universities outside the Community of Madrid, including the UNED.

Students who have started studies at the Rey Juan Carlos University must request the transfer of their file at the Student Secretary of their Campus.

They should not request transfer of file

Those students who have passed the University Entrance Examination at the Rey Juan Carlos University in any call and have been admitted to some of the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid (Alcalá Autónoma, Carlos III, Complutense, Politécnica and Rey Juan Carlos )

Documentation to present:

Application form

Letter of admission from the host university (original)

Valid large family card (if applicable).

Place of delivery: 

Applications will be delivered to the University Registration Department:

You can also present it in the registries (face-to-face or digital) of other public administrations that are enabled. The documentation must be addressed to the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Identification code DIR3: U05600001).

Once the request has been delivered, within approximately 7 to 15 days, the receipt of payment of fees will be sent to your email. Once paid, you must send the scanned proof of payment by email to the Access Test Service

Rates: (DECREE 43/2022, of June 29, of the Governing Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official titles and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid):

  • Ordinary: €27,54
  • General Large Family (50%): €13,77
  • Special Large Family: Exempt from payment


NOTICE: It is reported that according to agreement of the public universities of the single district of the Community of Madrid, the official report card may be used as a supporting document for the entrance exams downloadable from our web page for students who have taken the tests from 2018 onwards.
This document contains a Secure Verification Code (CSV) with which its validity can be verified in the Electronic Headquarters of the University. You can also download from this last place, the same document in PDF with the Electronic signature including.

All those students who have taken the University Access Tests at the Rey Juan Carlos University may request, by means of a standardized form, the issuance of a certificate that accredits their completion.

Documentation to present:

Application form

Valid large family card (if applicable).

Place of delivery: 

Applications will be delivered:

You can also present it in the registries (face-to-face or digital) of other public administrations that are enabled. The documentation must be addressed to the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Identification code DIR3: U05600001).

When the certificate is issued, the interested party will be contacted.

For any questions related to the University entrance exam for those over 40 years of age, you can contact us through the Student Help Box