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Master of permanent training in fashion business management from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce. 10th Edition


Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Services of Madrid
C/Pedro Salinas, 11. 28043 MADRID
Phone: 91 538 38 38/38 42 || 91 538 36 61 and mobile 676 756 276
Fax: 91 538 38 03

Buses: Line 9, 11, 53, 70, 72, 73 and 120
Metro: Line 4, Arturo Soria and Avda de la Paz stations 

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Director: Maria Luisa Medrano Garcia (URJC)   Maria Luisa Medrano Garcia

Coordinator: Lidia García Colmenarejo (Official Chamber of Commerce of Madrid)

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Basic Information


The Fashion industry is a very demanding industry, in constant evolution, focused on the client and marked by innovation. This industry integrates a complex value chain, requires specialized professionals, capable of managing a very competitive business model, in a global environment, which requires innovation, speed and customer orientation.

Like other industries, fashion is undergoing major transformations: omnichannel, physical store technology, nanotechnology, radio frequency garment identification, 3D printing, augmented and virtual reality, Big Data, neuromarketing, smart materials, wearable garments, sustainability... It is an industry that combines design and management in which passion is also required.

Advances in design, creation, production and communication have positioned Spain as one of the benchmarks in the sector worldwide, a leader in the creation of innovative, disruptive business models, with leading operators around the world.

At an economic level, the fashion sector in Spain represents almost 3% of GDP. 10% of the Spanish business fabric works directly or indirectly in it. 4% of employment in Spain comes from fashion. In terms of exports, fashion ranks 4th in Spain, and generates 8% of all products that travel outside our borders.

The methodology of the Master in Fashion Business Management is eminently practical, applying the knowledge acquired in the theoretical sessions in workshops and practical visits to companies in the sector, attendance at MBMFW fashion shows, etc.

Students who take the Master's degree and pass the established requirements will receive the Master's degree in Fashion Business Management, issued jointly by the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid and the Rey Juan Carlos University. This degree has the character of Own Teaching of the Rey Juan Carlos University.


The Master will have the following main objectives:

  • Provide the participant with the knowledge and techniques, tools and skills necessary to perform managerial tasks with professional competence in the fashion sector.
  • Provide useful tools in the day to day of the professional in the fashion industry, which help improve team management, the development of managerial skills, the acquisition of new sales techniques, economic-financial knowledge, strategic management, marketing, creativity, innovation, sustainability, production and logistics.
  • Learn about industry trends, the various existing business models and business news from the sector.
  • Carry out an in-depth study of the situation of the fashion market, in order to provide the participant with a global socio-economic vision that facilitates the analysis of the different particularities of the sector environment.
  • Know and practice on the legal, administrative, financial and tax procedures necessary for the management of a fashion company.
  • Being able to develop a Business Plan for a Fashion company.


General Competencies:

  • CG01. Ability to analyze and search for information from various sources.
  • CG02. Ability to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • CG03. Information management capacity that allows it to adapt to different economic and social environments.
  • CG04. Critical and self-critical capacity to be able to present a professional posture that adjusts to the current changing environments.
  • CG05. Ability to analyze and synthesize information.
  • CG06. Verbal and written communication skills to transmit ideas and decisions with professionalism and rigor to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • CG07. Capacity for autonomous learning that allows them to update themselves in the face of new challenges.

Specific Competences:

  • CE01. Carry out the necessary steps for the constitution and start-up of a fashion company, planning and managing the obtaining of the necessary financial resources that seek the economic and financial profitability of the company.
  • CE02. Ability to anticipate the different opportunities that can be presented to the fashion company and choose the best alternative
  • CE03. Identify and evaluate the elements that create value for the company in the fashion industry
  • CE04. Acquire the necessary ethical values ​​in carrying out professional activity in the fashion sector.
  • CE05. Know the behavior patterns that determine corporate social responsibility and the importance of sustainability in fashion companies
  • CE06. Know the legal framework that regulates the economic-financial activity of fashion companies
  • CE07. Apply marketing knowledge in fashion companies and make operational decisions related to each of the elements of the marketing-mix and implementation
  • CE08. Identification of new business developments to successfully face the changing environment
  • CE09. Know the business strategy that best suits a specific situation
  • CE10. Know the instruments and criteria for market selection, planning and development of fashion products
  • CE11. Ability to make short and long term business forecasts.


Course name  Description of the subject  ECTS TYPE DURATION 
Fashion industry Contents related to the History, Sociology and Coolhunting of fashion, as well as specific contents of the sectors and the fashion industry. 6 OB 1Q
Strategic management of fashion companies Contents related to innovation in the fashion industry and to the direction and management of fashion companies. 6 OB 1Q
Production, Logistics and Sustainability of fashion companies Contents related to the Production and Logistics of fashion companies, the industry's problems in terms of supply, production, international trade, logistics and the importance of CSR and Sustainability of fashion companies, new materials, circular business models , etc. 6 OB 1Q
Marketing management of fashion companies Specific Marketing content for fashion companies, as well as the importance of social media in the fashion industry. 6 OB 1Q
Financial and tax management of fashion companies Contents related to business finance, as well as financial markets and instruments and business taxation content. 6 OB 2Q
Management Skills and Team Management Contents related to leadership, management skills and team management 6 OB 2Q
fashion entrepreneurship Knowledge related to the entrepreneurship of fashion companies such as the generation of Ideas for the creation of fashion companies, success stories of fashion entrepreneurship, legal issues, etc. 6 OB ANNUAL
Business Plan for fashion companies Specific knowledge of business creation embodied in the preparation of a business plan for fashion companies. 6 OB 2Q
Master's thesis Development and defense of the Master's Thesis. 12 OB I


It will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree or one issued by a higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area, which authorizes access to postgraduate studies.

Exceptionally and in accordance with the provisions of the study plan, professionals without a previous official university degree who prove work experience in the subject of education they intend to study may also access these studies, although in these cases they will only be able to opt for a diploma or a university extension certificate with the same name and number of credits as the postgraduate course, according to the equivalence table included in Annex 1.

Exceptionally, students who have yet to pass a maximum of 30 ECTS credits from the same official university degree in Spain will be able to access the postgraduate courses on a conditional basis if this is provided for in the academic report for the course. In this case, the student will not obtain any type of qualification until he/she proves to be in possession of the official university qualification required for access to postgraduate studies.

Admission criteria:

In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, a selection will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Higher education related to the sector (40%)
  • Professional experience in the sector (40%)
  • Knowledge of languages ​​(20%)

Number of places offered: 20

Number of reserved places: 20% When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria. In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.

The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled


  • Isaac Amselem Benarroch. Expert in Fashion Communication.
  • Angel Asensio. President of Moda España and the Madrid Chamber of Commerce
  • Luis Blanco- HR Director of Inditex Group
  • Cristina Castillo- Retail Specialist.
  • Pilar Fernández Olivenza- Head of Protocol Ministry of Finance
  • Carlota Gil- Tourism Director
  • Rafael Gutiérrez de Mesa- Managing Director Iberia (Spain & Portugal) at GXO Logistics
  • Eduardo Jones- Creative Director MR Boho
  • Amaya Lozano- Founder Lüks & Co
  • Peter Mansilla. Sociologist, journalist and fashion critic.
  • Fernando Maudo. President of the Kiabi Spain Council. Former General Director of VENTE PRIVÉE Spain.
  • Xavier Plazas. Coolhunter and trend analyst.
  • Pereda's victory. Vice President. DIMAD.
  • Ana Rodríguez- Trade Fair Business Directorate- IFEMA
  • Jose Maria Ruiz. CEO of Gocco.
  • Luis Sancha- International Retail Franchise Expansion Professional
  • Ignacio Sierra - Corporate General Manager at TENDAM
  • Carmen Torres – General Secretary of the Spanish Fashion Confederation and ASECOM, Association of clothing and fashion companies
  • Óscar Yáñez- Marketing, Digital, Esports, Sports and Academics- Nike
  • Specialized teaching staff at Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Specialized teaching staff Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Services of Madrid

Academic information

Director: Maria Luisa Medrano Garcia (URJC)

Coordinator: Lidia García Colmenarejo (Official Chamber of Commerce of Madrid)

Quality guarantee


Results report

Once the follow-up of the Master of Lifelong Training has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown.

General information collection plan

Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

- Student profile

- Teacher evaluation

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Of the students
  • of the graduates
  • From the Faculty
  • Administration and Services Staff

- Labor insertion

- External internships:

  • Satisfaction of interns
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Employer satisfaction

Survey results:

Duration and development


Modality: in-person or

Number of credits: 60 ECTS

Contact hours: 600

Place of delivery: Moodle and Zoom Platform 

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, from 7pm-10pm. 
Classes + elaboration and presentation of Master's Final Project).

Start date:14/10/2024

End date: 10/07/2025

Course venue: Business Training Institute (IFE) 

Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid 

Reservation of place and enrollment


Title price: €7.500 (Registration €1.900 and 8 monthly payments of €700 from November to June).

The total cost of the Master's is 7.500 euros, of which 1.900 euros will be paid as registration fees, and the rest in 8 monthly installments of 700 euros.

The Master in Fashion Business Management meets the requirements to be subsidized through the Tripartite Foundation. The Chamber of Madrid offers free of charge the management of procedures and the

documentation corresponding to the bonus. Consult scholarship bag. Partial aid of 10%.

Limitation period: From January 1 to September 15, 2024

Enrollment deadline: from May 10 to September 16

Number of places offered: 20

Number of reserved places: 20% When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria. In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.

The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled

Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery

the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.

At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid

The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.

Required documentation:

Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:

  • National Identity Document or equivalent
  • University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:

  • Passport or Residence Card
  • Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
  • Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.

All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.

More information 10th edition